Roosevelt PBIS Allison, Brian, Lindsey, Raechel, Tara April 24, 2014
Learning target with Tweets I can implement ideas and strategies in my classroom and school that are presented here today. I can deepen my understanding of PBIS through professional dialogue with other participants. XXX insert tweet target
Getting real with PBIS Real life roadblocks
Tier 1 Supports for ALL
Tier I – How we Roll at Roosevelt Tweets Rings Signage Communication Extra PE time Tweetery Eatery Lesson plan videos-playground
Video – Lindsey
Review of Flow Chart
Behavior Matrix
Classroom Celebration Ideas
PBIS Subcommittees Lesson Design: Designing lesson plans according to the template for areas that are lacking Communication: Communicating celebrations/acknowledgments to the school Classroom Celebration: Sharing ideas with other teachers on ideas for classroom celebrations. Creating a universal way to monitor the number of celebrations in each classroom School-wide Celebration: Planning and implementing school-wide celebrations at least 3 times per year. Re-teaching: Coordinating with others to work out time to focus on students that need re-teaching of given skill. Re-teaching of skills in accordance to the data
How Would You Respond if a colleague said this to you? Use of extrinsic rewards will inhibit development of intrinsic motivation. Students don’t need rewards & acknowledgements (i.e. Rings, “You Rock” slips, Celebrations) to do what’s right. A strong, aversive natural consequence will get the message across. Give them time, and maturity will kick in. If they can’t do it on their own, they shouldn’t be in this class. Any students who need me to tell them what’s right and wrong aren’t going to make it in my class. I teach reading. I don’t and shouldn’t have to teach respect and responsibility. It’s obvious to me, just look at her family. When I was his age, I had to do it all on my own…no breaks & privileges in my class.
The Truth is… “The undermining effect of extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation remains unproven.” Steven Reiss, 2005 “…programs that show increased intrinsic motivation are those programs that incorporate the elements of good, comprehensive behavioral intervention…” Akin-Liule, Little, Eckert, & Lovett, 2004
Is PBIS making a difference? Video from Students’ perspective: (5 min.) myl_n4
Tier 2 Supports
Rules of Behavior: Behavior is learned and serves a specific purpose (Bandura) Behavior is related to the context within which it occurs (Bambara & Knoster) For every year a behavior has been in place, we need to expect one month of consistent and appropriate intervention to see a change (Atchison) We can improve behavior by 80% just by pointing out what one person is doing correctly. (Shores, Gunter, Jack) When we want compliance in our students we should whisper in their right ear (Live Science) All behavior has function and falls into two categories: To gain access to or to Escape from (Alberto & Troutman) Your reaction determines whether a behavior will occur again. We have to change our behavior (Alberto & Troutman).
Determining the function of the behavior: Goal of determining the function is to target your intervention to meet the student’s needs and to keep the student in the classroom. The true consequence of a behavior happens within the first 5 seconds. There are two main functions of behavior to gain or to escape To determine the student’s function, evaluate what is happening within the first 5 seconds of the behavior happening. What is the student getting or getting out of? Feed that function in an appropriate way
Remember when your school used to look like this ?
Evaluation: Things I can’t wait to go back to school and try: Things I want to look up and learn more about: Books I would like to check-out: