Bellringer Please write the question and the answer. What was a Hooverville and how did the term represent the country’s feelings towards President Hoover? Please take a few minutes to reflect on your answer.
Key Terms/People To Know Section 1: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, public works, fireside chat, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hundred Days, New Deal, subsidy, Huey P. Long, Father Charles Coughlin, Dr. Francis Townsend Section 2: Second New Deal, Social Security, John L. Lewis, CIO, sit-down strike, deficit, John Maynard Keynes
The Election of Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt? 2.What was his political experience? 3.What were two things that made him more likable than Hoover? 4.What was a “fireside chat,” and how did the chats help President Roosevelt?
Stabilizing the Banks: Match the Term to the Correct Answer 1.Emergency Banking Act 2.Glass-Steagall Act 3.FDIC 4.SEC a)Insures the deposits of individuals b)Banks can be inspected by government c)Created the FDIC d)Enforces laws dealing with stocks and other securities
The New Deal 1.What is the New Deal? 2.What are the three Rs used to describe the New Deal? 3.What was significant about the Hundred Days?
The Second New Deal Marks a shift from direct payments as work relief to work for pay. Also see the creation of the Social Security Administration.
Alphabet Soup: The New Deal With a partner, identify and describe the following acronyms and which “R” the program corresponded to. This will be turned in. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Civil Works Administration (CWA) Works Progress Administration (WPA) Farm Security Administration (FSA) Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Opponents of the New Deal For each of the following names, describe 1.Their background (what they do)? 2.Were they always against Roosevelt? 3.What particular issues did they have with Roosevelt’s policy? A.Huey P. Long B.Father Charles Coughlin C.Dr. Francis Townsend
Bellringer Please write and answer the question. What New Deal programs did the following: 1.Enforce the NIRA 2.Pay farmers to grow fewer crops 3.Build dams for power and navigation in the Southeast 4.Paid Americans to work on conservation projects Please take a few minutes to reflect on your answers.
Courts and the New Deal Many New Deal Programs were challenged in the courts. Go through Sections 1 and 2 and find any mention of court cases against New Deal Programs. What did these cases do to the programs?
Life in the Depression Skim through sections 3 and 4 and match the person or term. 1.swing 2.Dorothea Lange 3.Frances Perkins 4.Mary McLeod-Bethune 5.The Marx Brothers 6.Father Charles Coughlin 7.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 8.Joe Louis 9.Marian Anderson 10.Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig 11.minimum wage 12.Jesse Owens 13.Orson Welles a)first full-length animated film. b)African-American boxer who fought against German in 1938 c)members of New York Yankees in 1930s d)the lowest wage an employer can pay a worker e)African-American singer who gave a private concert at the White House after having been denied billing at Constitution Hall. f)African-American track star, defeated Germans in 1936 Olympics in Berlin in front of Adolf Hitler g)popular form of dancing in the 1930s, usually done to fast jazz h)photographer famous for images of families in the Depression i)Famous actor, known for his version of War of the Worlds, which caused panic among the public on Halloween, 1938 j)Catholic priest who railed against the New Deal and FDR over the radio and gained a large following k)African-American woman who emphasized the need for education among the African-American communiity l)Secretary of Labor under FDR m)comedy troupe known for their witty humor in films and on stage