25 Multiple Choice 1 Short Answer (Most likely will be a bonus… unless hardly anyone attempts it. Then it will be worth 15 points)


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Presentation transcript:

25 Multiple Choice 1 Short Answer (Most likely will be a bonus… unless hardly anyone attempts it. Then it will be worth 15 points)

Decline in world markets Uneven distribution of wealth Consumer credit/spending Speculation/buying on margin Overproduction Bank failures

High Unemployment Real Estate Values Dropped

President Roosevelt used a system of trial and error to mend the economy Government needed to step in and take a greater responsibility for those less fortunate Changed many Americans political way of thinking because the New Deal’s principle was that Federal Government should attempt to solve social and economic Issues

The federal government attempt to improve conditions for farmers was to pay farmers for their crops Conservatives who opposed President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policies believed that the New Deal was endangering the free enterprise system The Government regulation of business activities was a continuation of Progressive Era policies

Congress finally told FDR no when it came to appointing more Supreme Court Justices FDR was more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems, which was something that no other President had done before He was the first one to start what we will call the “Imperialistic President” – Pushed the boundaries of the Constitution, but the nation was so afraid, they let it happen. Once we allow the President or Congress to cross the Constitution Line, We will never be able to uncross it.

New banking laws such as the SEC and FDIC helped to restore the public’s faith in financial institutions The new banking laws would eventually lead to less failures and people slowly starting to trust the banking systems again

The Great Plains Region of the United States suffered most The major migration routes of the dispossessed farmers were to the Far West – Route 66 to California The Grapes of Wrath : Written by John Steinbeck described the impact that the dust bowl had on the farmer on the Great Plains and the Oakies that went to California

Mexican Repatriation Act To send Mexican-American immigrants back to Mexico

Frances Perkins? – The first female member of the U.S. Cabinet Dorothea Lange? – Photographer Huey Long – wanted to give each American family an income of $5,000 a year, to be paid by taxing the rich John Steinbeck? – Author: The Grapes of Wrath