By Edith Basave
He was born in January 30, HE was the 32 nd President The first president to be reelected four times. He died in April 12, 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage.
He was related to Theodore Roosevelt Married his 5th cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt. They had six children, but one died an infant.
Got the U.S through the Great Depression. Created the New Deal Also created the Social Security Act. Helped people get their jobs and homes back.
The Great Depression had affected almost the whole nation in a lot of ways. For example, many people lost their jobs and their homes. His Solution was to began a series of reform programs called the New Deal, which helped many people get their lives together(Elkins).
This act helped many elderly people get benefits from all their years of hard working. It is believed Social Security Act established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped (Unknown ).
Above all, Roosevelt proposed the most successful idea ever, which was the New Deal. Roosevelt had 20 agencies established in states that carried out the New Deal (Clark). In particular, the federal government, for the first time, took strong action to help make the United States prosperous (Patterson).
The New Deal and the Social Security Act caused problems. With the Social Security Act, many took advantage and did not work. With the New Deal, many believed that it would not work and that it would put the country in debt.
The solution to the Social Security Act was to change the act, but still benefit people who deserved it. There was not much to change about the New Deal. The New Deal strengthen political areas (Rung).
Clark, Bob. "FDR, Archivist." Prologue. Winter 2006: SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 12 May Elkins, Elizabeth. "Franklin D. Roosevelt." Cobblestone Jan. 2010: 10+. Student Resource Center - Bronze. Web. 12 May Franklin D. Roosevelt. Archive New Media. 01 Jan eLibrary. Web. 01 Jun Patterson, James T. "Roosevelt, Franklin Delano." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 13 May Rung, Margaret C. "New Deal." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 13 May Unknown. “The National Archives.” Treasures of Congress. Web. 20 May 2010.