Today, I hope I can make you think Joris Meijaard Managing director MIR New Business & New Policy Research
Who are you? When have you been most committed, passionate and enthusiastic? When have you been most creative? When have you been most sure of yourself and your decisions? What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? When have other people considered you to be most successful? When have you enjoyed your work/life most? What talents were you relying on, and using, in these situations? For what would you take a very strong stand? What about the world puzzles or disturbs you that you could make an impact on? What tasks do you like at RA when you have a choice? What activities are you drawn towards out of work? If money were no concern, what would you be doing?
Why are you at Roosevelt Academy?
Many tools out there Self Assessment, e.g. Mindtools – Vision: Where do you want to be in 2020? (normative, triangulate) – SWOT (positive, triangulate) – PEST (focus, double check) – Career Anchors (assessment tools)
Generating your own foresight Evolution: Many trends continue as expected. Things gently move toward a predictable end point. Revolution: Some new factors fundamentally change the situation. Cycles: What goes around comes around. Boom follows bust follows boom follows bust. Infinite Expansion: Some exciting trends DO continue. Think of the computer industry in the 1950s. Lone Ranger: The triumph of the lone hero against the forces of inertia. My Generation: Changes in culture and demographics affect the situation.
Career anchors (Edgar Schein) Independence Stability Technical-functional excellence General managerial excellence Entrepreneurship Creativity Service or dedication to a cause Pure challenge Life style
Enterpreneurial spirit Self-EfficacyIn control over your life CreativityThink out of the box ProactivenessTry to be ahead of situations PersistenceBe a pitbull
Evaluate your behaviour FocusSMART targets, minimize distractions Efficiency: do the right things, minimize waste Effectivenesshit the target, minimize misses
Long term Path Investment vs. Harvest Flexibility vs. Stability Work vs. The Rest Path Dependence Real options
Cruijff If you don’t shoot, you will never score Every loss has its benefit Its about foresight: If you start earlier than your opponent, you will appear to be faster You only start seeing it, once you understand it As long as you have the ball, they can’t score If you are not on the right place at the right time, you are either too late or too soon
Experiences Academic Corporate Entrepreneurial PhD Ass.professor Director E’ship Researcher Sales Director People Manager Startup Growth Consolidate/exit
Academic PhD Ass.professor Director E’ship Ph.D Craftsmanship Learn-work Focused Autonomous Ass. Professor ‘Production’ KPI’s Career ‘Fork’ More complex Director Eship In the matrix Boundary spanner Strategic, but not core business
Corporate Researcher Craftsmanship Production Core process Career ‘Fork’ Sales Director Customer Focus Clear targets Acquisition Accountable People Manager People focus Facilitate Motivate Control Researcher Sales director People Manager
Entrepreneurial Startup Craftsmanship Self-centered Customer Focus Growth Production Customer Focus Buffalo/Gazelle Consolidate/Exit Optimize Shine People focus Startup Growth Consolidate/Exit