JSM Hammer’s Can’tTouchThis Mid-Semester Demo
Re-cap : Project Concept Concept: This project will act as deterrence against laptop thefts, providing the owner a greater degree of security. The prototype integrates off-the-shelf embedded components, such as motion-sensing accelerometer, buzzer, RFID reader and tags for passive activation of the device and the Tmote Sensor. Motivation: A laptop owner today is unable to leave his/her laptop unattended without risk of the laptop being stolen. Using our prototype system, an alarm will be activated if the laptop is being handled by unauthorized personnel.
System Architecture
Status Update Accomplished: Telos Motes can now send and receive messages to Java application Accelerometer can send readings to Telos mote Arm and disarm state accomplished Buzzer will sound when unauthorized motion detected Risk mitigated R1. Compatibility between RFID reader and Telos Motes R2. Compatibility between voltage regulator, RFID reader and Telos Motes R3. Compatibility of rechargeable battery with rechargeable mechanism on Telos Motes R4. Real-world performance of RFID reader with respect to range R5. Constraints with respect to the ports available on Telos Motes R6. Difficulty in finding suitable algorithms differentiating significant and non-significant movements R7. Usage under different laptop operating environments
Parts and Pictures Breadboard Accelerometer Buzzer Rechargeable battery Telos Mote TI RFID reader TI RFID cards
Demo Scenario Connection phase Arming Detect movement and sound alarm Disarm Detect movement and no alarm
Next Steps Have RFID reader to work with Telos mote (SW & HW). Password setup and password screen pop-up. Integrate the components into a more compact device
Software Architecture
Lessons Learnt Sort out workspace properly and backup frequently. De-soldering can be pain. For accelerometer readings, we can use the Message Interface Generator (MIG) to generates a Java class representing a TOS message. This allows easier manipulation of the readings. Communicating to Telos mote through UART can be confusing: format of message to send, or simply send single bytes, and initially it prints out in ASCII. When encountering an extended period of doubt, its time to look for TA(s).
Tentative Schedule Week 7Mid-Sem demo (stillCanTouchThis) Week 8Spring Break (notTouchingThis) Week 9Work on RFID and voltage regulator (startToTouchThisAgain) Week 10Settle all hardware issues Week 11Software (password configuration) Vigorous testing Week 12Tie up loose ends & prevent trivial attacks on system (finishTouchingThis) Week 13Final Demo (REALLYcan’tTouchThis)
Q & A