Assembly of Current Hammer Design This is the current design of the hammer (Blue and Red). It is responsible for the impact to the shaft (Grey).
Assembly of Modified Hammer Design The modified design uses a steel collar mounted on the outside of the hammer. This will effectively increase the impact produced by the hammer.
Assembly of Current Rotor (Gas Turbine) This is the current rotor that we will use in the existing impact wrench. Air flows in from the top and spins the shaft. It was necessary to model this device to ensure a proper final assembly. We are also working on creating a new rotor that will use the same amount of air but produce a greater torque.
Assembly of Modified Hammer and Rotor This assembly includes Slide 2 and Slide 3. This is how the rotor fits with the new hammer design.
Housing for Hammer This is the new housing design that will enclose the hammer. It was necessary to make a new housing so that we could use our modified hammer. The old impact wrench housing was too small for our new design.
Final Assembly which will be Mated to Existing Impact Wrench This is the final assembly which will be interfaced with the existing impact wrench.
Another final assembly will be added here to show how our design interfaces with the rest of the impact wrench