LSU ChemDemo Program: Combining Service Learning and Outreach on a Large Scale Prof. George G. Stanley Cyril & Tutta Vetter Alumni Professor Louisiana State University
LSU Undergraduate Students Visiting K-12 Classrooms to Perform Hands-On Chemistry & Science Demonstrations Semester, Year # LSU Students # K-12 Classrooms Professors Involved Fall, 1997 229 110 Limbach, Stanley Spring, 1998 267 103 Nauman Fall, 1998 302 153 Lyon, Nauman, Stanley Fall, 1999 233 121 Spring, 2000 146 71 Kolniak Summer, 2000 55 18 Fall, 2000 240 108 Kolniak, Maverick Spring, 2001 420 202 Kolniak, Stanley Summer, 2001 23 Fall, 2001 332 139 Kolniak, Stanley, Hammer Spring, 2002 312 138 Summer, 2002 76 25 Totals: 2683 1211 > 25,000 K-12 Students!!
Chemistry Classes Involved Chem 1201/1202 – General Chemistry (200+ students per section) Profs. Patrick Kolniak, Andy Maverick, George Stanley Chem 2461/2462 – Honors Organic Chemistry (~ 40-60 students per section) Prof. Bob Hammer Chem 4571 – Organometallic Chemistry (160-170 students per section) Prof. George Stanley
ChemDemo Experiments Grade General Topic/Demonstrations K-4 The Atmosphere: Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Oxygen, Solid CO2 (dry ice), & Water Vapor Polymer Fun: Disappearing Styrofoam and Starch K-? Silly Putty: Synthesizing a Polymer 3-6 Acids & Bases 4-12 Energy: Electricity, Heat & Light 4-10 Light Reactions: Chemiluminesence, Flame Test, Burning Mg/CO2 6-12 Kinetics, Equilibrium & Catalysis
ChemDemo Experiments
ChemDemo Experiments
Picking a School/Class Students pick their own School and Class/Teacher, contact and make all arrangements for a visit. K-12 Teachers can fill out and submit “Teacher Interest Forms” that professors post and students can pick. Students submit teacher name, class level, school address, experiment being done, and approximate date. Student obtain some of the supplies needed, while we provide more “exotic” chemicals and equipment (“kits”). Professor sends out introduction letter and stamped and self addressed evaluation card to teacher to assess the quality and effectiveness of the students presentation.
Teacher Evaluations
Teacher Evaluations
Teacher Evaluations
Reflection – 2-4 Page Student Essays Quotes: “Not only did we learn something new about science, but we got an unforgettable opportunity to teach children.” – Heather Gallmann “I really had a good time during this project and also learned a lot about chemistry by teaching it to others.” – Misty Rabalais “It was a fun and exciting project for both the students and me.” – Aimee Gravois “We all enjoyed this project and really felt that we have a better understanding of energy now that we have taught others about it.” – William Saint “This was an experience I will never forget. The students along with the teachers had a blast, and so did I. It was a lot of fun and the kids seemed to learn a lot.” – Robert Earhart
National Science Foundation LSU Department of Chemistry Funding & Thanks Initial Funding: ExxonMobil Louisiana Chemical Association Current Funding: National Science Foundation LSU Department of Chemistry