Sheet metal forming used to be done by hand. That was previously the job of strong, skilled, handy blacksmiths who relied on a hammer and a hot oven to get metal to a desired format. Nowadays there are various sheet metal forming tools that are used to achieve the perfect shape for the metal pieces that are used in many types of building applications. Equipment for Sheet Metal Forming.
Wheeling Machines The Wheeling Machine, also called an English Wheel, is a popular type of metal forming tool that is used to create double curves in metal. The user puts a flat metal sheet (usually aluminum or mild steel) through this C-shaped machine to get even curves. These machines are usually used for the curving elements of cars, boats, and other complicated machinery. The Wheeling Machine stretches and thins the metal before forming it into the desired shape. These metal forming tools are for serious industrial projects, and the estimated cost for a Wheeling Machine is anywhere between $3,000 to $5,000.
Air Power Hammers An air power hammer is a tool that has replaced the need to use a handheld hammer for blacksmithing projects. This metal forming tool uses a powerful force to bend even the toughest metals into desired shapes. This tool shapes and planishes metal. Shaping is done by modifying the condition of the metal (such as stretching it out first) and then turning it into another form. When something is "planished" it is being reshaped from light hammer force. You can find an Air Power Hammer for between $2,000 to $5,000.
Shrinker Stretcher Another metal forming tool is the Shrinker Stretcher tool. These machines are built to stretch or shrink various types of metal, usually mild steel. A special adapter, called a "jaw" is required for this type of machine. The Shrinker Stretcher is air-powered and easily switched from a shrinking setting to a stretching setting with a simple change of the jaw. Shrinker Stretchers go for up to $10,000 (possibly more depending on the manufacturer).