By: Mason Spellecy
Mega bat The Hammer-Head bat is part of the mega bat family. It is the largest bat in Southern Africa recorded, with a ‘3’ feet wing span. it is only second to the largest bat in the world (the flying fox is first). But size isn't the only thing that makes this bat part of the Mega bat family. It eats fruit which is the main diet for most of the Mega bat species.
Diet The Hammer-Head bat has an unusual diet. Yes being part of the Mega bat family does mean it eats fruit, but it also has an apatite for bugs. Not just any bugs. This big bat is very picky. It will only eat flying bugs but not just your regular moths. Oh no! this bat eats stink bugs! It doesn't eat it all though it only bites the head therefore spraying the stuff in its mouth and it eats all the juices.
Habitat & predators The Hammer-Head bat lives in the swampy, wet, jungles of Southern Africa. While it sleeps all day, in the night time it basks in the moon-light on the edge of diches in the cool mud. But cant stay there long for they the become easy prey to its biggest predator, leaches! While it sits there leaches are very attracted to it, the reason no bats go after this mammal he is to big and with such big eyes it has great vision.
Conclusion I hope you enjoyed my presentation on this very strange bat. Now you know more about the Hammer-Head bat.