Literary Lab AP English Language and Composition Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Let’s Get Ready To Learn! You will need: A writing utensil Literary Lab packet A willing attitude You will not need: Electronics – please put them INTO YOUR BAG Anything else!
Learning Outcomes I will deepen my understanding of a "method" by participating in kinesthetic literary lab stations and learning through analogy I will create an analogy to demonstrate my understanding of "rhetorical method“ I will identify specific ways to apply this new learning to my rhetorical analysis
Rationale A "rhetorical method" contains three interconnected parts: device effect outcome student statements of rhetorical method (as measured through rhetorical précis) demonstrate an inconsistent degree of understanding of the three interconnected parts I've told students (through teacher words) and shown students (through examples) what is required and what it looks like and why it is necessary - BUT that is teacher-centered instruction. Let's try student-centered instruction!! colloquialism express relatability to create a common bond between him and his audience
Everything that “is” is a method!! Definition: a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan There are three possible methods of repairing this motor. Use this method to create a pineapple upside-down cake This is my method to be a great athlete…
Teaching is a method! Device: teacher knowledge + prepared materials Effect: share information and strategies with students Outcome: to increase student knowledge and application skills Learning is a method! Device: brain (engagement, questions) + school materials (books, pen/paper, resources, etc.) Effect: learn information and strategies from teacher and peers Outcome: to increase personal knowledge and application skills
Analogy a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification. **Today we will learn through analogy!
Instructional Sequence 1.Introduce learning outcomes and rationale 2.Provide background info and examples 3.Divide into small groups 4.Identify the location of each kinesthetic literary lab station and identify the pattern of rotation 5.Rotations!!! 6.Small group & whole class debrief
Kinesthetic Literary Lab Stations Construction Word Cloud Coloring Application
Construction Method *Part A Device: Hammer Effect: Pound the nail into the wood using the hammer Outcome: To hang a picture *Part B Device: Hammer Effect: Yank the nail out of the wood using the hammer Outcome: To remove a picture
Construction Method Reflection 1.Did you like this station? Draw a face to represent your response. Then, write a quick blurb explaining why or why not. 2.What do you notice about the similarities between Part A and Part B? What do you notice about the differences? 3.How can you apply your observation to rhetorical analysis?
Word Cloud Method Device: computer prior Effect: add words to a list and then push the “go” button Outcome: to create an original Word Cloud
Word Cloud Method Reflection 1.Did you like this station? Draw a face to represent your response. Then, write a quick blurb explaining why or why not. 2.What information did you need to know in order to succeed at this station? 3.How can you apply your observation to rhetorical analysis?
Coloring Method *Part A Device: colored pencils and blank paper Effect: apply color to paper Outcome: to create an original drawing *Part B Device: colored pencils and patterned paper Effect: apply color to paper, with respect to the lines Outcome: to complete a pre-defined drawing
Coloring Method Reflection 1.Did you like this station? Draw a face to represent your response. Then, write a quick blurb explaining why or why not. 2.What do you notice about the similarities between Part A and Part B? What do you notice about the differences? 3.How can you apply your observation to rhetorical analysis?
Application Method Device: your own brain + pencil & paper Effect: copy this framework (device, effect, outcome) and apply your knowledge of “method”) Outcome: to create a new kinesthetic literary lab station (Hint: Replace the word “application” in the title with your own station. Then, identify the device(s), effect, and outcome necessary to achieve that station).
Class Debrief 1.What did you learn? 2.What patterns do you notice? 3.How will you apply this? 4.What do you still want to know?