Mr. Simple Ashraf El-messidi, Chris Kilby, Travis Pearce, & Clayton Thomas
Overview This device performs several steps to complete the simple task of displaying a banner. A hammer swings from its resting position to hit a marble. This ball rolls down multiple ramps, changing direction along the way. Finally the ball hits a car, which rolls down a track, displaying our banner.
Concepts Conservation of Translational Energy – Ball falling and rolls Conservation of Rotational Energy – Rotating hammer hits ball at rest Conservation of Linear Momentum – Ball hits car Rotational Motion – Hammer Swinging Center of Mass – Car rest with over half of body over the edge
Calculations Velocity of hammer – Gh=.5v^2 +.5Iw^2 V=11 ft/sec = 29.3 radians/sec Initial Velocity of ball – m1v1+m2v2=m1v1’+m2v2’ V of ball=12.36 ft/sec Other calculations could not be performed because the coefficient of restitution could not be found for the ball hitting the car
Cost/Conclusion Nothing was purchased. The following is a list of estimated cost. – Toy car: $2 – Scrap wood: $4 – Marble: $1 – Paper, string, cardboard, and other small items: $2 – Most expensive purchase was a 4 pack of sharpies that included the orange sharpie we needed. This was $6 Total Cost: $15 This was the most effective, consistent, and cost efficient design we could build.