Knowing My Mantle empowered through insight
What is a Mantle? 1 King 19:19 Elisha left all he knew to “minister” to Elijah “mantle” means “pouring of liquid”
What is a Mantle? How you function Relational skills Be multifaceted
What is a Mantle? 7 biblical expressions of God through you: Grace Perspective Gifts Operations Anointing Administrations Holy Spirit rain drops (gifts of the Spirit)
7 Expressions in You Grace o ability to withstand it
7 Expressions in You Perspective o unique ideas
7 Expressions in You Gifts o ability to do it
7 Expressions in You Operations o the way you organize it
7 Expressions in You Anointing o your effectiveness
7 Expressions in You Administrations o the way you carry something out
7 Expressions in You Holy Spirit rain drops o revelations from God
You Have a Nature You were fashioned exactly as God saw fit
Prophetic Metaphors Job 12:7-8 "But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
4 Prophetic Metaphors The Calculator The Cotton Ball The Hammer The Arrow
4 Prophetic Metaphors The Calculator Strength - process information Weakness – analysis paralysis
4 Prophetic Metaphors The Cotton Ball Strength - work great with people Weakness – hurt too easily
4 Prophetic Metaphors The Hammer Strength - orderly Weakness – needs to lighten up and relax
4 Types of Expressers The Arrow Strength - visionary Weakness – need to get a reality check
4 Types of Expressers The Calculator The Cotton Ball The Hammer The Arrow This whole season means you have to learn boundaries!
Handling Your Nature Romans 12:1-3
Handling Your Nature Romans 12: Present yourself 2. Do not conform 3. Think right