UK’s First Commercial Scale Offshore Wind Farm 26th March 2003 NWP Offshore Ltd
Presentation Project Overview Construction Process Progress to Date Marking of Wind Farm on Admiralty Charts Stakeholder Involvement in Construction Process
Project Overview
30 wind turbines, Vestas V-80 2MW 4-5 miles off Prestatyn / Rhyl Rectangular Turbine Array 800m Separation E-W 350m Separation N-S Cable landfall /grid connection at Rhyl Output equivalent to annual demand of approximately 50,000 homes North Hoyle - Main Parameters
Project History Summer Install Monitoring Mast December Crown Estate Invitation to Bid Spring Awarded Licence to Develop August Launch of “Juice” February Submit Consents Application August Obtain Consents October Commence Onshore Works Summer Offshore Construction Late First Generation
Wind Farm Construction
Turnkey Contract Turnkey contractor is consortium of Vestas Celtic Wind Technology and Mayflower Energy Includes 5 year Warranty, Operations and Maintenance provision
Turnkey Contract - Major Suppliers Wind Turbines - Vestas Wind Turbine Installation - Mayflower Monopile Supply - Rheden Steel Monopile Installation - Seacore Subsea Cables - AEI Cables
Foundations 4m diameter, 275t (max), stored at Mostyn Installation by Seacore using Jack-up Barge “Excalibur” Pile towed out from Mostyn, lifted to vertical Hammer installed, drive to rockhead (10-15m below mudline) 3.7m hole drilled through pile, through overburden to required penetration Pile driven to required penetration Photo of Horns Rev Foundation
Progress Update
Progress to Date Construction plans (Environmental Management System, Oil Spill Contingency Plan etc) in place for construction phase Site establishment at Mostyn Onshore Works - Majority Complete –Sub-station, some cable laying still to be performed –Directional drill to be performed under sea-wall
Progress to Date Offshore Works –Modifications to Seacore installation vessel (in Liverpool) almost complete –Monopile supply on schedule, currently 8 piles stored at Mostyn –Piling about to begin Project “On Track” for commissioning in late Autumn
Marking of Wind Farm on Admiralty Charts
Construction Phase
Operations Phase
Stakeholder Involvement
“Safety at Sea” Seminar –Inform stakeholders of forthcoming activities –Methods of communication –Establish points of contact –Effect of wind farm on aids to navigation –Safety –Invite feedback Stakeholder Involvement
Invitees included –Port Authorities –Commercial vessel operators –RYA, RNLI, MCA, –Local councils –Sailing clubs –Fisheries consultees Stakeholder Involvement
Fisheries Liaison Officer –Notice of forthcoming activities Web Site –Progress Updates Stakeholder Involvement
Points of Contact