The Compass Rose
What is it for? Originally used to measure wind direction Now it is commonly used to indicate Geographic direction on maps
It orients the map so you know “which way is up”…
It shows the “Cardinal Directions”
And the “Ordinal Directions” NW NE SE SW
The contemporary compass rose appears as two rings, one smaller and set inside the other. The outside ring denotes true cardinal directions while the smaller inside ring denotes magnetic cardinal directions.
“True North” refers to the geographical location of the North Pole
Magnetic North is the place to which all magnetic compasses point
Means naming all 32 points on the rose “Boxing the Compass”… Means naming all 32 points on the rose
Create an original & creative Compass Rose Your assignment… Create an original & creative Compass Rose
Start by using your geometry compass to draw a perfect circle
Identify the top of the circle as North at 00
Use your protractor to measure 900 clockwise to East N 00 E 900
Use your protractor to measure 1800 clockwise to South N 00 E 900 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 2700 clockwise to West N 00 W 2700 E 900 S 1800
You have labeled your “Cardinal Directions” Well done! You have labeled your “Cardinal Directions”
Use your protractor to measure 450 clockwise to NorthEast NE 450 W 2700 E 900 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 1350 clockwise to Southeast N 00 NE 450 W 2700 E 900 SE 1350 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 2250 clockwise to Southwest N 00 NE 450 W 2700 E 900 SE 1350 SW 2250 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 3150 clockwise to Northwest NW 3150 NE 450 W 2700 E 900 SE 1350 SW 2250 S 1800
You have labeled your “Ordinal Directions” Well done! You have labeled your “Ordinal Directions”
Use your protractor to measure 22.50 clockwise to North-northeast NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 W 2700 E 900 SE 1350 SW 2250 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 67.50 clockwise to East-northeast NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 ENE W 2700 E 900 SE 1350 SW 2250 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 112.50 clockwise to East-southeast NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 ENE W 2700 E 900 ESE SE 1350 SW 2250 S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 157.50 clockwise to South-southeast NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 ENE W 2700 E 900 ESE SE 1350 SW 2250 SSE S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 202.50 clockwise to South-southwest NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 ENE W 2700 E 900 ESE SE 1350 SW 2250 SSE SSW S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 247.50 clockwise to West-southwest NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 ENE W 2700 E 900 WSW ESE SE 1350 SW 2250 SSE SSW S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 292.50 clockwise to West-northwest NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 WNW ENE W 2700 E 900 ESE WSW SE 1350 SW 2250 SSE SSW S 1800
Use your protractor to measure 337.50 clockwise to North-northwest NNW NNE N 00 NW 3150 NE 450 WNW ENE W 2700 E 900 WSW ESE SE 1350 SW 2250 SSE SSW S 1800
Well done! Now you have to add colour and imagery to it to make it original, creative and yours!
Time to get to work… Due next day! 20 marks Use of protractor, compass & ruler along with evidence of professional work and accurate detail = 10 marks Colourful and creative product = 10 marks