BIRTH (Vrpm) Beginning to two years Driven by the expression of a passionate God-given Vision. Relationships, Program and Management activities are happening but are not fully developed at this stage. Leadership is expressed through vision.
INFANCY (VRpm) Three to five years following the Birth stage Vision and Relationships are dominant Healthy patterns of worship, evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and ministry and missions are established during this stage. Congregation has the characteristic of a movement
CHILDHOOD (VrPm) Five to six years after Birth of congregation and lasts 5 – 6 years. Focuses on Vision and Programs The energy to from relationships is now focused on developing and implementing the Programs structure for the congregation.
ADOLESCENCE (VRPm) Begins around 10-12 years after the public launching of the congregation. Vision, Relationships, and Programs are dominant. Relax and enjoy their relationship with God and one another Time of some chaos as people begin to multiply the dreams they have for the future of the congregations. The longer Adolescence lasts, the more they realize they must address the Management systems of the congregation
ADULT (VRPM) Around 18-22 years after the public launching of the congregation. Reaches Adulthood when all four organizing principles (Vision, Relationships, Program, Management) are all fully developed. Congregation is ready to soar as a fully development spiritual community with great resources and the proper balance
ADULT CONTINUED…… Often, however, congregations do not soar because of one of both of the following reasons: 1. The fantasy of what it would feel and look like when they arrived at Adulthood, does not match what they see. Waiting for something else to happen. 2. They may feel that what they have done is enough, and they relax and begin to become complacent about their spiritual journey.
MATURITY (vRPM) Around 22 to 27 years old, they slip without much notice from Adulthood to Maturity. Maturity is when Vision is no longer dominant or fully developed. The congregation is no longer living out the vision that God has given them. Without the driving aspects of Vision, the congregation is being motivated by Management Often congregations will plateau numerically during Maturity. This is the first stage when a congregation could redevelop or transform and move forward to a new partial life cycle.
EMPTY NEST (vRpM) If a congregation doesn’t redevelop during Maturity it will move to this stage. Vision and Programs are no longer dominant or fully developed. The congregation is experiencing disintegration of the quality and quantity of programs, ministries and activities. Management is driving the direction of the congregation. Relationships, while still vital, are turning increasingly inward in their focus.
EMPTY NEST CONTINUED…. Empty Nest has three phases: 1. Nostalgia that carries with it a hope for tomorrow will bring the return of yesterday. 2. Disappointment that triggers a renewed call for commitment by the faithful core. 3. Anger that results in a pattern of blaming. Often blaming focuses on the leadership of the congregation; even the pastor.
RETIREMENT (vrPM) If a congregation does not redevelop during Empty Nest it will move on to the Retirement stage. Vision and Relationships are no longer dominant or fully developed. Management is driving the direction of the congregation. Programs are once again dominant as congregations seek to revitalize their programs, ministries and activities.
OLD AGE (vrpM) If a congregation does not redevelop during Retirement it will move on to the Old Age stage. Old Age is when Vision, Relationships, and Programs are no longer dominant or fully developed. Management is the only factor that is still dominant or fully developed. As such the habit or pattern, generally at a mediocre level, drives the direction of the congregation.