East Falls Church Planning Study Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Association by Mark Moran President, WCA November 27, 2007 efcpsStatusToWca c.ppt
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 2 Acknowledgements Richard Tucker, Staff Coordinator, Arlington Co. Consultant team –Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. –Nelson/Nygaard –Louis Scully Gionet
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 3 References East Falls Church Planning Study (EFCPS) web site – urrent/CPHDForumsEastFallsChurch.aspxhttp:// urrent/CPHDForumsEastFallsChurch.aspx Consultant web site (Kimley-Horn) Falls-Church
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 4 Purpose and scope The purpose of the East Falls Church Planning Study (EFCPS) is to generate a vision for transit-oriented development in the East Falls Church area of Arlington County There are two phases to this study: –Land use vision development and –Transportation planning The land-use vision should take the form of a concept plan with a policy framework that focuses on targeted sites, including the East Falls Church Metro parking lot and other sites that are likely to redevelop. The process could result in changes to the General Land Use Plan (GLUP) and/or zoning changes
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 5 Conduct of the study The land use visioning will be led by planners from both Arlington County and the City of Falls Church. The staff team will be guided by a citizen Task Force comprised of representatives from both jurisdictions. Representatives from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) will also participate WMATA and VDOT will be key participants in both the land use and transportation analyses, since they are major landowners who control important pieces of the transportation infrastructure, including the Metrorail station, the parking lots, Interstate 66, and several state- owned arterial roadways.
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 6 Land use visioning The goal of the visioning exercise is to develop a concept plan that will set height, density, use mix, and urban design standards for areas in the Arlington Co. portion of the study area, particularly in areas likely to redevelop (e.g., the Metro parking lot) The City of Falls Church 2005 Comprehensive Plan will be used as the guide for the sites within the City of Falls Church.
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 7 Transportation planning analysis After a preliminary land use plan has been developed for the identified sites within the East Falls Church area, the two jurisdictions will use a transportation consultant to analyze issues related to the transportation infrastructure The transportation analysis will –Analyze access to the Metro station: pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular –Analyze station capacity and recommend infrastructure, streetscape and other public improvements to create an urban, walkable, and accessible mixed-use environment within this area. The transportation portion of the study will be completed with grant funds received from the VDOT’s Multimodal Planning Grant Program.
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 8 Final product A final Concept Plan and Policy Framework will be developed and presented to the Arlington County Board and City of Falls Church City Council for adoption upon completion of the project Should take about 12 to 18 months (Sept to fall 2008 or spring 2009)
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 9 EFC Planning Study Task Force (17 members) Arlington East Falls Church Civic Association (4 members, including Committee Chairman) Madison Manor Civic Association (1 member) Williamsburg Civic Association (1 member) Planning Commission (1 member) Transportation Commission (1 member) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority [WMATA] (1 member) Virginia Department of Transportation [VDOT] (1 member) At-large Arlington Community Representatives (up to 5 members) City of Falls Church (2 members) In addition, one County Board member will be selected as a liaison to the planning process
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 10 EFC Planning Study Task Force Arlington Co. Board appointees –Arlington East Falls Church Civic Association Mike Nardolilli, Task Force Chair John Wilson Alan Parker Tim Reese (Barbara DePauw – alternate) –Madison Manor Civic Association Varun Nikore –Williamsburg Civic Association Mark Moran –Planning Commission Lisa Chavez –Transportation Commission Franz Gimmler –At-large Arlington Representatives Bob Dunphy John Kinney Nancy Iacomini Anthony (Tony) Jones (Economic Development Commission) Thanna Schemmel (Pedestrian Advisory Committee) City of Falls Church Appointees Suzanne Fauber (Planning Commission) Don Rea (Gresham Place HOA President) Other –Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority [WMATA] Scott Peterson –Virginia Department of Transportation [VDOT] Valerie Pardo
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 11 Charge of the Task Force 1.Help to identify issues and sites to be addressed in the study 2.Review transportation impacts and alternatives. Review recommendations regarding transportation improvements. 3.Give input on conceptual plans and alternatives developed by staff for redevelopment of the East Falls Church Metro Station area and certain other key properties within close proximity to the Metro station. 4.Assist staff in developing recommendations to the County Board on the Final Concept Plan and Policy Framework.
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 12 Study area
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 13 Timeline, 1 of 2 September 2007 –Kick-off meeting – Wednesday, September 26th at 7:00 pm at Fire Station #6 Discuss study scope, schedule for Task Force and public participation October 2007 – February 2008 –Nov: Walking tour of study area –Review recommendations from previous studies and documents, such as the Virginia Tech East Falls Church Metro Area Plan (2004), the WMATA East Falls Church Station Access Study (2002), and the AEFCCA Metro Survey (2005). –Review draft concepts and alternatives. –Discuss scope of transportation analysis with staff. –Refine concepts based on Task Force comments and feedback. –Discuss urban design, streetscape, pedestrian and bicycle improvements. February/March 2008 –Assist with providing updates to and soliciting feedback from affected civic associations, Advisory Boards, and interested citizens. Hold community-wide forum(s) Provide interim concepts for review
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 14 Timeline, 2 of 2 March – July 2008 –Review results of transportation analysis and recommend revisions to preliminary redevelopment concepts and alternatives. –Provide input on final urban design recommendations for the general area. –Work with staff to develop an implementation strategy for achieving the vision. September 2008 –Staff works with Task Force with staff to develop final recommendations for County Board review and approval. –Staff works with Task Force to prepare presentations for Planning and Transportation Commissions. October 2008 – December 2008 –Seek final comments from civic associations, Advisory Boards, and interested citizens. –Staff works with Task Force to prepare presentations for Planning and Transportation Commissions. –County Board review and adoption.
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 15 Meetings We have had three meetings to date –Wed., Sept. 26 at 7:00 PM at Fire Station #6 (Kickoff meeting) –Wed., Oct. 24 at 7:00 PM at Fire Station #6 –Sat., Nov. 3 walking tour of area (8:30 AM to noon) Next meeting –Wed., Dec. 12 at 7:00 PM at Fire Station # Little Falls Road, Main entrance is actually on Lee Hwy/Washington St. at Gresham Place. Public is invited to attend any meetings
11/27/07Presentation to the Williamsburg Civic Assoc. 16 Interaction between WCA and Task Force I will give status reports as the study moves forward, potentially at each WCA general membership meeting I welcome input from WCA membership –My preferred way to get input is via arlington.org I will transmit WCA input to the EFC Planning Study Task Force Other ways to stay informed –Attend EFC TF meetings (anyone is allowed to attend) –Visit the EFC Planning Study web site ( current/CPHDForumsEastFallsChurch.aspx) current/CPHDForumsEastFallsChurch.aspx
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