The TDWG Infrastructure Project Lee Belbin Project Manager
The Project Aim –Redevelop TDWG’s infrastructure Funding –US$1.5 million (Gordon& Betty Moore Foundation) –Two rounds of ~US$250,000 grants* Duration –July December 2007 Project staff –Three full-time Roger Hyam (Edinburgh: Technical Architect) Ricardo Pereira (Campinas: Software Engineer) Lee Belbin (Hobart: Manager) –Two part-time Donald Hobern (Copenhagen) Stan Blum (San Francisco)
Project Components 1.Redesign TDWG’s ‘Processes’ (Stan, Lee & Roger) a.New Constitution and ‘Process’ - charters b.Introduce the Technical Architecture Group (TAG) 2.Redesign TDWG’s ‘operating environment’ (Ricardo) a.TDWG Online Environment (CMS, Wiki, Blog, OJS, standards repository…) b.Automation of standards development track 3.Redesign TDWG’s documentation (Roger) a.Documentation specifications & templates b.Funded subgroup meetings (R1: US$120K) and contracts (R1: US$140K) 4.Develop an appropriate Globally Unique Identifier (Donald & Ricardo) a.GUID-1 (Durham) and GUID-2 (Edinburgh) b.LSIDs, applicability statement, roadmap, & resources directory 5.Develop a strategy for TDWG ongoing support (Lee) a.Survey, Best Current Practice & many discussions b.Get 1-4 implemented then promote (particularly institutional) membership to fund p/t secretariat
Status Project is 50% complete –1.25 years into 2.5 year project Milestones are 80% complete –34 of 42 tasks completed Continuous discussion with –TDWG Executive, conveners & members –Clients & observers To date, >30 documents (on website) covering –Current and best practices (TDWG & others) –New constitution, structure & process –Documentation specification & templates –Common architecture and roadmap –LSID applicability statement, roadmap & resources Other Products –Architecture, LSIDs, documentation specification, website,
Round 2 Funding Addresses TIP activities page proposal to by 15/11/2006 –Who will do it? –What issue/s addressed? Priority given to work that aligns with the TDWG ontology & documentation –What will be produced? –Where will it be done? –How much?
Meetings With Conveners Quick get-together after today’s session All (potential or current conveners) Agenda –Information required? –Moving sites? –Feedback about any TIP activities? –Priorities for 2007? –1-1 with conveners during meeting?