Fremantle Leaders Luncheon
Retailing in Fremantle Realising the Vision
Retail Model Plan Vision for the Development of Retail Locations and Timelines Key Principles of Retailing – Management and Marketing Point of Difference
Retail Model Plan Vision for the Development of Retail Locations and Timelines Key Principles of Retailing – Management and Marketing Point of Difference Not an Economic Assessment, but a Framework within which City of Fremantle may seek to Encourage Development
The Starting Point City of Fremantle Strategic Plan ,000 sqm of Additional Retail Space Increased Residential Development Increased Commercial Development Increasing Number of Visits to Fremantle Preserving and Growing Arts and Culture Preserving Importance of Social Capital, Built Heritage and History
The Starting Point City of Fremantle Strategic Plan ,000 sqm of Additional Retail Space Increased Residential Development Increased Commercial Development Increasing Number of Visits to Fremantle Preserving and Growing Arts and Culture Preserving Importance of Social Capital, Built Heritage and History ie Growth is a Given
The Vision (from City Strategic Plan ) For Fremantle to be Recognised as a Unique City of Cultural and Economic Significance and for there to be a Vibrant, Creative and Innovative, Diverse and Sustainable Fremantle
The Challenge Does Existing Retailing Contribute to the Vision? If Not – What Needs to Happen? Growth is Demanded How can this be Achieved? Focus on Where and by Who?
Two-Pronged Approach Meeting the Competitive Challenge Strategy for Additional Space
Meeting the Competitive Challenge Important for Current Retailing Survey Results SWOT Analysis Principles of Retailing Streetscape & Services Offer Opportunity to Differentiate, but Management is the Real Difference Between High Streets & Retail Centres
Some Key Survey Results Low Preference for Fashion, Home Wares Strong for Cafes, Entertainment Like Atmosphere Dislike Access and Parking, Safety 34% from Fremantle, and broadly South 17% broadly East 10% from Interstate and Overseas 4% from North of the River
SWOT Analysis Strengths - Size, Heritage, Transport Hub, University, Port, Tourist Sites, Conferences, Some Major Brand Retailers, Markets Weaknesses - Performance of Some Majors, Trade Area Constrained by Sea, Access & Parking, Limited Collective Marketing, Lacks Focus, Attractions Spread (Weekends), Streetscape Lacks Interest, Leads to a Lack of Activity
SWOT Analysis Opportunities - Inner City Residential & Commercial Development, Metro Centres Hierarchy Plan, Cruise Ships, Rail to South Threats - Developments at Garden City, Claremont and Cockburn, Local Convenience Centres, Downturn in Overseas Visitors ($A), Some Majors Close
Some Key Principles of Retailing Convenience, Comparison, Experiential – (Fremantle Poor, Poor, Good) Pedestrian & Vehicle Circulation (Activity) Attractors – Clusters, Destinations Management of the Public Realm Well Managed Parking Quality Mix of Shops Well Maintained, Clean and Safe Strong Identity and Character
All About Management Management and Organisation Marketing and Promotion Business and Economic Development Urban Design Streetscape
All About Management Management and Organisation Marketing and Promotion Business and Economic Development Urban Design Streetscape Business Improvement District (BID)
Business Improvement District Clearly Defined Geographical Area Businesses Vote to Improve - Elect Board Determine Level of Services – Costs Determine Special Levy – Paid to Board Services Over and Above Council 1700 BIDs all over the World 95% Successfully Renewed after 3-5 Years Report Includes Steps to Implement
Additional Space 20,000 sqm in 5 Years – Very Ambitious Will Require Significant Commercial & Residential Development to Support Focus on Kings Square to Adelaide Street Strengthen Queen Street Council Role in Queensgate, City Admin, Spicer and Point Street
Council as Catalyst
Additional Space 20,000 sqm in 5 Years – Very Ambitious Will Require Significant Commercial & Residential Development to Support Focus on Kings Square to Adelaide Street Strengthen Queen Street Council Role in Queensgate, City Admin, Spicer and Point Street However, Some Barriers to Development GFC & Finance Costs
ING – Enhance or Detract? Significant Investment in Fremantle Office Accommodation and Parking – Plus 12,400 sqm Retail – Risk of Fragmentation Need Strong Linkage & Strong Retail Offer Have Neither Currently
ING – Enhance or Detract? Significant Investment in Fremantle Office Accommodation and Parking – Plus 12,400 sqm Retail – Risk of Fragmentation Need Strong Linkage & Strong Retail Offer Have Neither Currently Thus, Too Early in Transformation Process
Kings Square Integrate Myer, Queensgate, Spicer and City Administration Building (Norwood)
Norwood Town Hall
Kings Square Integrate Myer, Queensgate, Spicer and City Administration Building (Norwood) Strong Retail Component Upgrade Library – Open Outwards Increase Activity Around and Through Include Car Parking Agree with Urban Design Centre Report - Barrow Stalls, Water Feature, etc
Kings Square
Adelaide Street Incorporate Retail in Point St Development Intense Office/Residential/Retail Buildings as Tall as Possible Create a Grand Boulevard
Adelaide Street Incorporate Retail in Point St Development Intense Office/Residential/Retail Buildings as Tall as Possible Create a Grand Boulevard Challenge of Fragmented Ownership
Adelaide Street Incorporate Retail in Point St Development Intense Office/Residential/Retail Buildings as Tall as Possible Create a Grand Boulevard Challenge of Fragmented Ownership Land Bank, Catalyst Projects, Concentrated Effort
Queen Street Develop Gas and Coke Site – Key Attractor from Transport Hub Retail in Woolstores Redevelopment Redevelop ANL House – Key Site (Gateway) Ensure Linkage from Railway Station
Ultimate Development
Retail Mix Strong emphasis on Comparison Shopping Accessible Car Parking Engage with BID Create a ‘Fremantle’ Feel Create Activity in the Public Realm Use Street Art
Rundle Mall - Adelaide
Implementation (BID) Council Policy re BID Special Levy Policy Appoint BID Steering Committee BID Area and Board Agree Tenancy Lease Plan BID Business Plan & Rate Structure Complete within 6 Months 3 – 5 Years - Review and Determine Future of BID
Implementation (New Development) Appoint Project Manager (from City of Fremantle) or Project Facilitator or Redevelopment Board
Implementation (New Development) Appoint Project Manager (from City of Fremantle) or Project Facilitator or Redevelopment Board Such Focussed and Integrated Development Won’t Just Happen
The Vision Realised Fremantle is Recognised as a Unique City of Cultural and Economic Significance and there is a Vibrant, Creative and Innovative, Diverse and Sustainable Retail Sector
The Vision Realised Fremantle is Recognised as a Unique City of Cultural and Economic Significance and there is a Vibrant, Creative and Innovative, Diverse and Sustainable Retail Sector Fremantle is a ‘Primary Centre’
Fremantle Leaders Luncheon