Presentation to Southall Area Committee 27 th November 2007 UPDATE ON EALING PRIMARY CARE TRUST PLANS FOR SOUTHALL – WITH A SPECIALISED FOCUS ON ACCESS AND PREMISES Ursula GallagherJo Murfitt Director of Quality Director of Clinical Governance & Commissioning & Clinical Practice Performance
Brief Summary of Health Needs of Population Five of Southall wards are ranked in top 5 most deprived wards in Ealing BME population have higher rates of disease prevalence especially for Coronary Heart disease and diabetes Southall has highest number of low birth weight babies with a rate of 10.3% (London average 6.2%) Lower levels of Life expectancy compared to other parts of the Borough Higher rate than other parts of the Borough of hospital admissions for circulatory disease, for depression and psychosis Highest rate of TB notifications in Ealing (second highest in London) Rates of Cancer mortality appear lower
Challenges we face Growing population – projected to grow from 71,000 to 82,000 by 2012 (13% increase) 27% of population under 19 with small predicted decrease in population aged over 55 Recent increase in new population groups especially from Poland as well as long standing communities from Somali, Sri Lanka, Asia sub continent GP practices mostly small practices of 1-2 doctors working out of converted terrace houses Fewer practice nurses in Southall than in other parts of the Borough General levels of satisfaction – from national surveys show the most dissatisfied users are younger people from BME communities
Current Issues with Access July 2007 Department of Health published its annual GP Patient Survey ‘Your Doctor, Your experience, Your say’. This was a nationwide survey where patients were asked to give their views on the ease of access to GP practice services. The questionnaires asked how easy it was to: - –Consult GP within two working days –Book ahead for non-urgent appointments –Contact a practice by phone –Make an appointment with a particular GP
The result allows us to compare Southall results with rest of Ealing, London Nationally Overall results for Southall show: - 73% of patients reported they were satisfied with their ability to get through to their doctors surgery by phone 79% of people who tried to get a quick appointment with a GP said they were able to do this within 48 hours 60% of people who wanted to book ahead for an appointment with a doctor reported that they were able to do so 73% of people who wanted an appointment with a particular doctor at their surgery thought that they were able to do so
How is PCT going to change this? Had to agree action plan setting out access plans – available on website Work with individual practices to look at appointment systems, telephone systems, etc Commission an additional new practice in South Southall – No premises yet Tender for new GP Managers of existing Waterside Practice Review Walk In Service at Primary Care Access Centre in new Southall Broadway Centre Extended opening hours contracts planned pilot between now and March Review Interpretation and Translation services for practices Invest in Training for Receptionists, Practice Managers especially for customer care
Premises Plans Providing high quality premises is one of major steps to improving services in Southall. The PCT is planning a number of developments over the next 4 years LIFT Schemes: - –Jubilee Gardens Development – will house 3-4 practices – for approximately 18,000 patients –Will contain a range of associated community health care services –A local library –Should be opening in April 2009
Premises Developments GP Lead Developments: - Dr H Qadan – new survey in Burns Avenue Dr D Sahota – new GP surgery in Somerset Road – move from Rutland Road – Nov 07 Dr J Sanghera – new GP Development planned for site of Lady Margaret Public House – currently applying for planning permission Dr Raj Chandok – Extension and refurbishment of current premises – Guru Nanak Health Centre in Woodlands Road
PCT Developments Southall Broadway – Broadway Centre – opened in July 2007 and provides an increasing range of community health services Waterside Medical Centre – opened May 2006 In Partnership with LBE: - –Martin House – creation of Resource Centre for Older People as part of LBE Private Finance Initiative – will provide a range of clinical services – such as Falls and Multidisciplinary assessment clinic – all for Older People
Premises Opportunities for Premises Development Featherstone Road – a PCT owned building potential to redevelop as part of a larger scheme and house several small practices Southall Gas Works – a major redevelopment of 74 acre Southall Gas works site – PCT involved to look at what health services will be required to support this development
Next Steps for PCT Improving Health and Health outcomes for population of Southall – major focus of PCT Presentation tonight has not described PCTs overall work programme set out in its Strategic Commissioning Plan which has 6 goals – the majority of which will focus on improving Health outcomes and reduce inequalities for population with a focus on Diabeties Coronary Health disease, Mental Health, Maternity and TB Focus of tonight has been on one of our goals – Improving Primary Care – Access choice and responsiveness. This includes access and premises We have an ambitious set of actions set out in our plans to improve access to primary care – especially GP services. We recognise there is a lot of work to do – but with a major focus for PCT As part of that focus we need to continue work to achieve our plans for this and work with local people to understand and support plans