The sustainable re-development of Montserrat Paired work Prepare a presentation to give to the rest of the group to convince the government to follow your plan for the sustainable re development of Montserrat.
Objectives Work in pairs Fully describe your plan (L4) Explain plan (L5+) Explore and link your ideas to sustainable development and protecting the environment (L6+) Evaluate your plan (L7). Be ready to present your plan next lesson.
You have made your plan. You have decided what you will do each year up to a total value of £21 million pounds each year.
You have described and explained key ideas on your plan using these pages and A4 paper.
Now… You will continue to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to give to the class to convince the government to follow your plan to: Sustainably redevelop Montserrat
Sustainable Development Development to improve the quality of peoples’ lives, without harming the environment or other people, now or in the future.
Presentation of ideas and conclusions. In this section follow the instructions on the next slides to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to fully describe (L4) Explain (L5) Explore and link your ideas to sustainable development and protecting the environment (L6) and Evaluate your plan (L7). This needs to be detailed and persuasive to convince people of the long term benefits of your plan. Remember: You are trying to convince the Government to spend £84,000,000! Remember : Sustainable development is... “Development that improves peoples lives without harming others or the environment now or in the future.” Re-building Montserrat Assessed Task
Some of the factors that you need to consider… Social: About people, their life in society and their community. What have you done to improve the communities and make the people feel they belong to them? Political: About government, control and decision making. How have you enabled the island be governed and decisions to be made? Power: Energy- how is energy e.g. electricity provided to the communities you are rebuilding? Why is it needed? Economic: About money. What have you planned to enable the islanders to make the money they need? Employment- economic activity- What jobs has your plan created for the islanders? Communications- Transport- Roads, ports,and airports to move goods, resources and people. Utilities- organisations supplying basic needs- clean water, sewage systems, rubbish disposal. The Environment- How will you reduce carbon emissions and provide energy, food and jobs without harming the environment?
Work in pairs to prepare your presentation. Title: Sustainable development of Montserrat 1.What is sustainable development? Use your earlier work and the glossary to : “Sustainable development is...” 2.Describe your plan. What will you do each year? How much will spend each year?
3. Explain why you chose key items from your plan. (Level 5) “I chose to build a wave power station because...” Consider what people need to both survive AND improve their lives. Link your explanation to sustainable development. (Level 6+)
4. Explain why some people would be favour of building each item and why some people might prefer a different item. Considering the advantages and disadvantages will help you. (Level 6-7) “The advantages are...” “The disadvantages are..” “Some people would be in favour of this because...” “Some would be against because...”
5. Conclusion : Write a conclusion to explain how your plan is sustainable development. (Level 6-8) “My Plan is sustainable because:” Part 1 How will your plan improve peoples lives? Consider each of these factors:SocialPoliticalPower Economic and employment (Jobs) CommunicationUtilitiesEducationHealth Emergency services Part 2 Explain how will your plan help improve or protect the environment? (Level 7) Remember : Sustainable development is... “Development that improves peoples lives without harming others or the environment now or in the future”
Save Your Work: File name: “Your namesMontserratRebuilding” e.g. “WilmaFredMontserratRebuilding” Subfolder: In your class sub folder e.g. 9WF Folder: Shared Area/ Year 9 Montserrat Rebuilding