City of Doral August 28th, 2010 Morgan Levy Park 1 Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, Economic Development Coordinator Leigh.


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Presentation transcript:

City of Doral August 28th, 2010 Morgan Levy Park 1 Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, Economic Development Coordinator Leigh Fletcher, esq


 Clean Up, Redevelop, Revitalize Brownfield Sites  Create Employment Opportunities & Enhance Local Economy  Uses Current Infrastructure  Boost Local Revenue  Grant & Alternative Funding to Support Redevelopment Projects 3

 As a Designated Brownfield Area you can receive: ◦ $2,500 Job Bonus Refund ◦ Sales Tax Credit on building materials ◦ State Loan Guarantees 4

 Brownfields Bonus Refund ◦ Up to $2,500 Tax Refund per Job Created ◦ Stack Tax Credits with Enterprise Zone & QTI (Up to $10,500) ◦ Attracts Job Generators  Building Materials Sales Tax Refund ◦ 20% Low to Moderate Income ◦ Encourages Affordable and Workforce Housing  Brownfields Loan Guarantee ◦ 50% of Primary Lender’s Loan ◦ 75% for Affordable Housing and Health Care Facilities 5

 EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant ◦ Up to $400,000 Annually to Local Governments and $1 Million for Coalitions ◦ Phase I And II Assessments – Petroleum and Hazardous Substances (Metals, Solvents, Asbestos & Lead) ◦ Free Look At Challenged Properties For Buyers  EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant ◦ Up to $600,000 Annually ($200,000 per site) to Local Governments or Non- Profits ◦ Can Make Environmentally Upside-down Properties Feasible for Redevelopment 6

 Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund ◦ Up to $1 Million Annually for Clean-Up ◦ Low-to No-Interest Loans/ Sub-grants for Non-profits for Clean-Up ◦ Can Make Environmentally Upside-down Properties Feasible for Redevelopment  Job Training ◦ $200,000 ◦ Provides environmental training for residents of the BF Areas 7

 Brownfields Act as a Vehicle for Economic Development in Underdeveloped or Underutilized Areas ◦ Places prime real estate back onto the market ◦ Increases local employment opportunities ◦ Broadens municipal tax base (generates new revenues) ◦ Provides incentives for job creation 8

 Brownfield site =  Real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which may be complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination 9

 Promotes Smart Growth ◦ Reduces urban sprawl by encouraging additional redevelopment and reinvestment in core urban areas ◦ Preserves and protects green spaces ◦ Utilizes current infrastructure 10

 Environment ◦ Speedier clean-ups eradicate contamination ◦ Voluntary approach ◦ Incentives reduce clean-up costs ◦ Eliminate environmental stigma 11

Former Landfill SitesAdjacent Uses 12

North: NW 41 St. South: NW 25 St. East: SR 826 West: NW 87 Ave. Former Landfill shaded 13

 State Brownfields Designation Process ◦ Brownfields Redevelopment Act – Section F.S. ◦ Two Ways:  Local Government Initiated; or  Individual/Private Sector Initiated. ◦ Adoption of Resolution by Local Government Required for Both ◦ Strictly Local Government Decision  Federal Brownfield Process Brownfield does not have to be designated– 14