biphasic cuirass ventilation Identification BCVWhy?Who?How?Where?When?
biphasic cuirass ventilation Why? BCV Non-invasive Complete Ventilation Cost Effectiveness Physiological and Natural Decreased Mortality
biphasic cuirass ventilation Why? Example: Respiratory Failure in COPD Actively controls both phases of the respiratory cycle. Provides even ventilation Maintain and redevelop the respiratory muscles. Cardiac output improved Reduces end tidal PCO2 Improvements in gas exchange Reduced work of breathing No risk of infections or barotraumas
biphasic cuirass ventilation Who? BCV Acute Respiratory Failure COPD and Asthma Neuromuscular (SMA, ALS, etc.) Head and Spinal injuries Cystic Fibrosis and those who require chest PT Problems with weaning from PPV And many more…
biphasic cuirass ventilation Who? COPD Reduced Mortality Reduced ICU admissions Reduced hospital length of stay Neuromuscular (SMA, ALS, CF, etc) Helps maintain and redevelop the respiratory muscles Provides physiotherapy and cough assistance Provides an efficient method of weaning from PPV Acute Respiratory Failure No risk for VAP or barotraumas No requirement for sedation Facilitates the clearance of secretions
biphasic cuirass ventilation How? Protocols EquipmentTraining Monitor BCV
biphasic cuirass ventilation Advantages No requirement for sedation No risk of VAP No risk of barotraumas Increased patient comfort Increase in cardiac output Can be used in place of NI Mask, helmet, etc. In most cases, a direct replacement for IPPV Management of secretions Provides physiotherapy and cough assistance Decreased stay in ICU post operative