STIPU Advisory Committee Carolyn Murray November 2013
Sexual Health Promotion Program Programmatic response when working to support young people around sexual health; Settings, partnerships and programs: Young people parents, General Practice, Schools & community settings; Parents- Partnership with NBM&WS LHD to undertake a statewide rollout of TSTO; Young people- statewide campaigns- Festivals, Concerts, Youth Week; Online-Schools, TAFEs and Universities; Working closely with the NSW MoH to redevelop Play Safe; Support re-orienting of SHIL to develop an online blog.
Addressing barriers/enablers to STI testing WHAT Young people (reference the barriers/enablers): STI knowledge necessary but NOT enough ‘the test experience’-cost, where to go, procedure, privacy/confidentiality STI testing as ‘routine/normal’ health behaviour; responsibility make the risk of contracting STIs personally relevant It’s what you do, not who you are that puts you at risk of STIs.’ ‘One or more of your friends could have an STI’. Use role models and clear messages to reduce shame and embarrassment about having an STI ‘Anyone could have an STI.’ Highlight treatment benefits, starting new relationship Others (peers, parents, friends): Actively show support for STI testing
Addressing NSW Music festival initiative 2012
Addressing barriers/enablers to STI testing HOW Campaigns/Programs using social marketing General – ‘STI testing is a good thing’ Specific- reduce stigma and encourage perceived support 1.Eg. NSW Music Festivals Initiative onsite (booth, posing for photos, peer chatting) & online (pre/post festival via messaging, ticketing) Dose response impacting behavioural intentions 2.Eg. website redevelopment
Get Tested
Landing Page
Play Safe
Home Page
Risk Assessment
Myth vs Truth
Service Locator
Nurse Nettie
Blogs & Events
The Future Play Safe is a tool for your ongoing work: Referral pathway Promote existing projects and events Utilise imagery in existing projects and events Resource for young people Resource for Teachers and educators Consider blogging/ video project for the future
General Practice Program Programmatic response when working to support general practice in the management of sexual health; Settings, partnerships and programs: General Practice- work reviewing and consolidating the key components that have been most effective in rolling out our tools and programs (RACGP); Strengthening and utilising partnerships with ThinkGP and RACGP. Emphasis on HIV testing messaging for next 12 months and incorporating into all of our resources and training.
General Practice Program – Think GP
General Practice Program –PDSA Cycles
General Practice Program – Clinical Attachment
General Practice Program -ALM Module 1 – Basic HIV and STI Information Module 2 – Working with Priority populations Module 3 – Contact Tracing Currently administered by ASHM 40 CDP points – ACCRM and RACGP Module 1 – Basic HIV and STI Information Module 2 – Working with Priority populations Module 3 – Contact Tracing Currently administered by ASHM 40 CDP points – ACCRM and RACGP
General Practice Program- Working with ML
General Practice Program
General Practice Program -AMLA
Publically Funded Sexual Health Services Program Programmatic response when working with Publically Funded Sexual Health Services; Encouraging innovative settings and service delivery : Reviewing and consolidating the key components that have been most effective in working with PFSHS so far Emphasis on HIV testing messaging for next 12 months and incorporating into all of our resources and training.
Publically Funded Sexual Health Services Program -SOP