The NYS BOA Program: An Area-Wide Approach to Redevelopment New York State Bar Association January 24, 2013 Laura Truettner, Deputy Director New Partners for Community Revitalization, Inc.
About NPCR Not-for-profit, membership-based organization Mission to revitalize New York’s low- and moderate- income neighborhoods and communities of color that are disproportionately impacted by brownfield sites Recognized as being instrumental in the conceptualization and creation of the New York Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) Program Participate in brownfields project work with not-for- profit BOA grantees and community development leaders
The NYS BOA Program Created by the NYS Brownfields Law in 2003 Beginning in 2008, managed by NYSDOS Area-wide rather than site by site approach to redevelopment Provides resources to CBOs and municipalities to create redevelopment strategies for economically distressed neighborhoods
Why the Area-Wide Approach? Single Site Approach Individual sites arising from normal functioning of economy Result of small number of decisions/actions Area-Wide Approach Large area with multiple brownfield sites Result of structural changes in economy Results of thousands of decisions/actions
Why the Area-Wide Approach? Single Site ApproachArea Wide Approach Community ParticipationCommunity Engagement Lack of resources for communityResources for leadership & engagement Technical experts for outsiderTA providers for community Decisions by external partiesDecision-making rooted in community Public HearingsFacilitated Meetings ExclusiveInclusive AdversarialCollaborative Short Term ValueLong Term Value
BOA Program Statistics DateAmountNo. of Grants 03/23/05$7,630, /5/08$7,250, /07/09$11,050, /20/11$6,500, /20/12$3,450,00015 Totals*$35,880, *Approximately 50 additional project applications totaling $13 million in funding are waiting for DOS approval
New York City BOA Projects 17 BOAs in NYC 2,560 brownfield sites Primarily managed by CBOs Redevelopment priorities: Housing Manufacturing/green industry Maritime Industry Waterfront access Retail/commercial
BOA Program Summary Step 1/Pre-Nomination Study - preliminary analysis of existing conditions and community visioning Step 2 /Nomination Study- detailed assessment of existing conditions and economic/market trend analyses to determine new uses for strategic sites Step 3/Implementation Strategy- funds actions needed to redevelop strategic sites- infrastructure & transportation analyses, conceptual designs, Phase IIs and site marketing Designation of a BOA DOS website at
Existing Conditions: UPROSE/Sunset Park BOA Step 2 Study Source: WXY
Existing Conditions: UPROSE/Sunset Park BOA Step 2 Study Source: WXY
Existing Conditions: UPROSE/Sunset Park BOA Step 2 Study Source: WXY
Opportunities: HCCI/Bradhurst BOA Step 2 Study Source: HR&A
Opportunities: HCCI/Bradhurst BOA Step 2 Study Source: HR&A
Opportunities: GMDC/Newtown Creek BOA Step 2 Study Source: Gannett Fleming
Opportunities: GMDC/ Newtown Creek BOA Step 2 Study Source: Gannett Fleming
Next Steps: UPROSE/Sunset Park BOA Step 2 Study ACTIONS PROJECTS FUNDING & PARTNERSHIPS Source: WXY Goal 1: Increase job opportunities for local residents especially through encouragement of sustainable industry and green jobs
For more on the Area-Wide approach Go to Attend our annual forum
Thank you With thanks to the following BOA grantees and their planning teams: UPROSE, WXY architecture + urban design HCCI, HR&A Advisors GMDC, Gannett Fleming, Inc.