“While $155 billion worth of consumer goods were bought online last year, a far larger portion of offline sales were influenced by online research. Forrester estimates that $917 billion worth of retail sales last year were Web- influenced. It also estimates that online and Web- influenced offline sales combined accounted for 42 percent of total retail sales and that percentage will grow to 53 percent by 2014, when the Web will be influencing $1.4 billion worth of in- store sales” (Schonfeld, 2010).
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Longwoods Internationals research shows that 3.5 million trips were taken to the Southern Oregon region in 2009, with almost $4 million spent in the area, one quarter of which was spent on lodging specifically. The report also states that approximately half of the travelers who visited the Rogue Valley used the internet as their main method of planning and booking the trip.
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“Social media is similar to a snowball. When it gets going, it builds and builds…” (Turner & Shaw, 2011, p. 94).
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(SEO) is the way in which a website receives high rankings by a search engine. Keywords (Source: SEO Inc. Internet Marketing ) Links
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Find out who your customer base is and where they are located. Create a website or redevelop an existing site Make use of social media, e- mail lists, and blogs