Lecture 4. Coastal Policy Overview
Coastal Management: Nested Scales Federal – Coastal Zone Management Act State – California Coastal Program Local – Local Coastal Programs
Coastal Zone Management Act (1972) Federal-State Partnership Voluntary 34 participating coastal states –
NOAA Ocean & Coastal Resource Management
2012 Budget NOAA: $5,497 Million (OCRM = 2%) 2012 Budget NOS: $559.6 Million (OCRM = 23%)
306 (d)(2) CMP Required Elements A definition of the boundaries of the coastal zone to which the program applies A definition of areas of particular concern within the coastal zone A description of the organizational structure for the implementation of the program A planning process to provide protection of and access to public beaches A planning process to lessen the impact of shoreline erosion
306A Matching Grants to States To preserve and restore areas valued for recreational, ecological, or aesthetic purposes To redevelop urban waterfronts and ports To provide coastal access to public beaches and other coastal areas To develop a coordinated process to regulate aquaculture
309 Coastal Zone Enhancement Program (1990) – To protect, restore, enhance, or create coastal wetlands – To eliminate development in hazardous areas and anticipate sea level rise – To expand beach access opportunities – To reduce marine debris – To control cumulative and secondary impacts of development – Special Area Management Plans (SAMPs) – To plan for use of ocean resources – To adopt procedures to facilitate citing aquaculture facilities
CZM Program Funding Summary 2012 Federal = $65 Million, Match = $52 Million
Coastal Non-Point Pollution Program Forestry Agriculture Urban Areas Marinas Hydromodification Wetland and Riparian Areas
307 Federal Consistency Provision “Federal agency activities that have reasonably foreseeable effects on any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone (also referred to as coastal uses or resources and coastal effects) must be consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the enforceable policies of a coastal state’s federally approved coastal management program. ”
Coastal Management: Nested Scales Federal – Coastal Zone Management Act State – California Coastal Program Local – Local Coastal Programs
California Coastal Policy Proposition 20 – Coastal Zone Conservation Act 1972 California Coastal Act 1976
California Coastal Program Coastal Commission Coastal Conservancy Bay Conservation and Development District
CMP Evaluation Recommendations
Coastal Commission Regions: North Coast, North Central Coast, Central Coast, South Central Coast, South Coast, San Diego Coast 12 voting and 3 non-voting members Six = local elected officials from region of interest Six = public members at large Appointed by Governor, Senate Rules Committee, and Speaker of the Assembly (4 each) –
Coastal Management: Nested Scales Federal – Coastal Zone Management Act State – California Coastal Program Local – Local Coastal Programs
Local Coastal Programs (LCPs) 76 coastal cities and counties 128 separate LCP segments – 72% certified, 85% of coast Permitting Authority: – Local government = most new development – Coastal Commission = Tidelands, submerged lands, public trust lands, appeals
Times-Standard Articles Arcata, coastal commission at odds over development plan Jessica Cejnar/The Times-Standard Posted: 08/23/ :40:14 AM PDT Updated: 08/23/ :40:14 AM PDT Part of Arcata's coastal plan approved; coastal commission gives city more time to finalize full program Jessica Cejnar/The Times-Standard Posted: 09/09/ :10:02 AM PDT Updated: 09/09/ :10:10 AM PDT
National Estuary Program (1987)
San Francisco Estuary Partnership Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) Executive Council Implementation Committee Friends of the Estuary
San Francisco Estuary Project CCMP
Additional Policies Coastal Barrier Resources Act (1982) National Marine Sanctuary Program (1972) National Estuarine Research Reserve System (1972) Coral Reef Conservation Program (2000) Marine Protected Areas (2000)