Development and Applications of Product Classifications International Workshop on Implementation of ISIC and CPC Kunming, China September 2009
Background replaced the Australian and New Zealand Standard Commodity Classification (ANZSCC) ANZSPC introduced in 2001 standard for the collection and presentation of product statistics in Australia and New Zealand joint product of ABS and Statistics New Zealand
Why Joint Development? ABS and SNZ shared experiences for many years desire for harmonisation between agencies logical extension of previous cooperation provides a framework for grouping all goods and services produced in the Australian and New Zealand economies
Why Joint Development ensures comparability between Australian and New Zealand share the workload; reduce timeframe draw on the expertise of other statistical agencies reduce costs
Development Criteria easy to use, maintain and update for future releases compliance with CPC at the Group (3 digit) level stakeholder involvement compliance with local collection requirements increase coverage of classification reflect changes in economy
Development Process used planning software tool created framework merging CPC V1.0 with ANZSCC produced the first draft of ANZSPC stakeholder input sought on draft documents weekly phone hook-up with SNZ; bilateral meetings
Development Process process oversighted by a project board senior management sign-off from both agencies publication on the web stakeholders advised to adhere to standards
CPC Ver 1.0ANZSPC 012 Vegetables 0121 Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes 0122 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled 0123 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled0123 Other vegetables, including herbs, fresh or chilled Locust beans Other vegetables, fresh or chilled n.e.c Other vegetables, including herbs, fresh or chilled Alliaceous vegetables Garlic Garlic chives Flowering garlic chives Other garlic chives
ANZSPC Review revisited ANZSPC in 2006 driving forces ANZSIC 2006 CPC Ver Harmonized System overdue update of ANZSPC
ANZSPC Review two papers on products: Future Work on Product Classifications in the ABS Scoping Study on Product Classifications
ANZSPC Review findings proliferation of product classifications each product classification has its own purpose or use no known external users only one internal ABS user only one local classification has correspondence with ANZSPC
ANZSPC Review applications of product classifications collection and output of agricultural publications used in editing strategies output classification supports the investigation of commodity flows link with other areas of statistics
ANZSPC Review options redevelop ANZSPC to align with CPC Ver.2 develop an integrated product classification use CPC Ver.2 as the overarching framework for product classifications
ANZSPC Review decisions ABS to adopt CPC Ver.2 as the overarching framework for product classifications existing ABS product classifications will align with CPC Ver.2 at the 3-digit level
Implementation Short-term project initiation decommission of ANZSPC consultations development of correspondence tables progress report to ESSCC
Project Governance Model CPC V2 Implementation Corporate Investor Project Owner Project Manager CPC V2 Implementation Team Internal Stakeholders Statistics NZ ABSMM ESSCC
Implementation Long-term information paper: changes in product classifications integration of existing local product classifications development of support tools
Implementation ANZSPC was decommissioned in 2008 encourage the use of CPC Ver.2 ABS IOPC 2009 mapped to CPC Ver.2 at the 3-digit level consultation with survey areas
Implementation develop tools to assist the transition coding booklets training and information sessions explore the viability of developing a Coder and an ABS web-based search facility