Dave Samson CA Department of Water Resources Northwest Hydroelectric Association 2011 Annual Conference "Avoiding a Dam Midlife Crisis" THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER PROJECT
DWR MISSION To manage the water resources of California in collaboration with others to benefit the State’s people, and to protect, restore, and enhance the natural and human environment.
DWR’s Strategic Planning Goals — 1. California Water Plan 2. State Water Project 3. Ecosystem Protection (Bay-Delta) 4. Flood Control & Dam Safety 5. Water Use Efficiency (Public Education) 6. Regional Water Management Planning 7. State Long-term Power Contracts 8. Professional Services
SWP PURPOSE 75% of the water supply captured in northern region of the state 80% of the water demand is in the mid and southern region
SWP FACTS SWP FACTS 1960: Voters approved $1.76 billion bond sale to construct facilities. 1960: Voters approved $1.76 billion bond sale to construct facilities. Planned, designed, built, operated and maintained by the California Department of Water Resources. Planned, designed, built, operated and maintained by the California Department of Water Resources. SWP is the largest state-built multipurpose water project in the U.S. SWP is the largest state-built multipurpose water project in the U.S.
SWP FACTS SWP FACTS SWP is the single largest power consumer in California. (8 million MWh annually)SWP is the single largest power consumer in California. (8 million MWh annually) SWP is the fourth largest power generator in California.SWP is the fourth largest power generator in California. –Installed generating capacity is ~1,500MW.
SWP FACTS SWP FACTS State Water Contractors 29 water contractors (Local public agencies) 29 water contractors (Local public agencies) 750,000 acres of irrigated crops 750,000 acres of irrigated crops Drinking water for 25 million people Drinking water for 25 million people SWP Water Deliveries Total water supply contracts of 4.2 MAF Total water supply contracts of 4.2 MAF Delivery average is approximately 2.6 MAF 70% M&I30% Agriculture Delivery average is approximately 2.6 MAF 70% M&I30% Agriculture
CALIFORNIA STATE WATER PROJECT OROVILLE FIELD DIVISION DELTA FIELD DIVISION SAN LUIS FIELD DIVISION SAN JOAQUIN FIELD DIVISION SOUTHERN FIELD DIVISION SWP Facilities 34 storage facilities 34 storage facilities 29 pumping and generating plants (189 Units) 29 pumping and generating plants (189 Units) ~700 miles of canals and pipelines ~700 miles of canals and pipelines SWP Operations Project Operations Center Project Operations Center Field Divisions Field Divisions SWP Maintenance Field Divisions Field Divisions Headquarters Support Headquarters Support
SWP Features Oroville Dam 3.5 M Acre Feet 3.5 M Acre Feet 700 Ft Zoned Earthen Embankment 700 Ft Zoned Earthen Embankment (Tallest earth fill dam in U.S.)
SWP Features A.D. Edmonston Pumping Plant 14 – 80,000 HP 14 – 80,000 HP Vertical Turbine Pumps 1924 ft. (static) Lift Highest pump lift in U.S ft. (static) Lift Highest pump lift in U.S.
SWP Features Check Structure California Aqueduct
RETAINING A WELL-QUALIFIED WORKFORCE Employee TurnoverEmployee Turnover Employee ExperienceEmployee Experience Compensation LagCompensation Lag SWP Challenges
Employee Turnover Trends Retaining a Well-Qualified Workforce
Employee Experience Retaining a Well-Qualified Workforce
2009 Data B.U. 12 Compensation Lag Retaining a Well-Qualified Workforce
OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY Operational AvailabilityOperational Availability Aging (& Missing !) InfrastructureAging (& Missing !) Infrastructure SWP Challenges
All SWP Pumping and Generating Units OA = Percent of time facilities are available for use Operational Availability
AGING INFRASTRUCTURE Facilities Approaching 50 yearsFacilities Approaching 50 years 3 “Rs”3 “Rs” -Refurbish -Replace -Remediate SWP Challenges
MISSING INFRASTRUCTURE Delta ConveyanceDelta Conveyance SWP Challenges
Delta Conveyance
Delta Conveyance Missing Link
GOVERNANCE SWP is a Water UtilitySWP is a Water Utility Administrative Constraints of State GovernmentAdministrative Constraints of State Government California’s Financial CrisisCalifornia’s Financial Crisis SWP Challenges
California’s current population is more than 36 millionCalifornia’s current population is more than 36 million The population is expected to reach 50 million by 2020The population is expected to reach 50 million by 2020 Largest agricultural production in the nationLargest agricultural production in the nation No imminent fix of California’s governance in sight!No imminent fix of California’s governance in sight! "Avoiding a Dam Midlife Crisis" THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER PROJECT