MacIntyre Abingdon Partnership MAP College co-location
History MacIntyre took over a failing specialist provision in 2005 in response to an LA/LSC need; Young people with Autism and behaviour that is considerably challenging inadequate alternative local provision Many not accepted into ISCs due to challenges Transfer overseen and monitored by a partnership group: MacIntyre Abingdon and Whitney college LSC Unique funding methodology (ASL/matrix mix)
MAP College co-location History (2) 2007– Located in own premises (Oakley college) over 25 miles from mainstream college partner Joint working approach – SAR and Ofsted preparation but little joint day to day working Access to mainstream provision (minimal) to due distance and perceived ‘challenges’ 2008/09 – Commitment to co- location made by the organisation leaders Plans developed as part of a wider LSC capital bid LSC capital funding for A&W withdrawn necessitating compromise on accommodation Alternative premises identified and LSC capital funding for refurbish agreed
MAP College co-location Process Relocation project plan (to Abingdon campus) for September 2010 with full-time project manager SAR - full involvement of all Oakley college staff to enable: Cultural shift and workforce expectations (negotiations, incentives) Curriculum redevelopment and implementation plan Strengthening of partnership – across all elements such as environment, facilities, curriculum, safeguarding, equality and diversity etc Teething problems (expectations of behaviour, A&W systems, communication etc) OFSTED within first 6 months; OUTSTANDING for both provision and partnerships On-going partnership working and development
MAP College co-location Benefits For MacIntyre: enables local specialist provision with proportionate inspection, flexible approach, new business, use of college resources, plays to organisation’s strategic approach to partnerships, joint training, compliments other CYP services For A&W college: expands offer to include young people with high support needs, specialist skills, joint training, contributed to positive Ofsted outcomes, shows innovation, additional income For LA/YPLA: reduced costs, local offer, meets government Children’s and adult services agendas For individuals: stay local, learning skills in own community, no transition back to own county, doesn’t have to be residential, better outcomes, supported living model
MAP College co-location Key success factors Partnership arrangements - honest open relationships, transparency, focus on the big issues and choose your battles, ability to address teething problems head-on, clear boundaries but freedom to use own specialist approach, central point of contact Strategic leadership and involvement essential at all stages– led by Principal and MacIntyre CYP Director Project management role crucial – negotiator, assertive but reasonable Essential to maintain individual but complimentary brands – re-launched as MacIntyre Abingdon Partnership College now known as MAP ( to be opened officially in June by John Hayes, minister for FE) Joint and transparent approach to Ofsted inspection – inspectors will pick up if it is not Always keep a focus on outcomes for individuals central to negotiations
Brenda Mullen Director of Children and Young People tel: