Instructional Technologies Service Centers Christopher Fomon CSS, College of Engineering The University of Iowa
Service Center Software support Hardware support Who has both and how are they integrated?
Service Centers Contact Consult Analysis Solution
Consulting Determining the problem? Software SW Issues handled by desktop student staff with staff oversight. May go on- site if necessary. Hardware. Handled by desktop support staff with student assistance. Usually needs to be scheduled. Preventive maintenance scheduled. Network Information taken and passed onto network administrator. User User error is hard to correct, be diplomatic.
Contact Desktop Services - Contact starts in the consulting office. Telephone Walk-in Voice mail Consultant Watchdog programs (NMS, SMP)
Analysis Consultant determine issues. Elevate the response if necessary. Schedule event.
Solution Consultant solves problem or gives instructions. Hardware and Network issues passed on.
Hardware Hardware issues are passed on to staff. Trouble reports logged into database Warranty Contract/Lease Time and material
Warranty 3/3/3 on all new computers. Call Tech Support, get RA#. Online Web forms to get RA#. Engineer or Drop-shipment for repair.
Contract & Lease Lease GE Capital takes care of problem. Contract 4 hour response. Servers, router, backup services Field engineer Next business day. Printers, redundant servers Drop shipment
Time and Material Account charging Standing requisitions Job requisition Electronic Shop Printers and peripherals.
Refurbish & Preventive Student consultant Blow out computer. Re-seat or replace memory/connectors. Electronic Shop Install maintenance kits. Sale of equipment
Discussion Funding models for maintenance? In-house or out source repairs? Staffing and procedures? Leasing or owning?