Southgate Park Research September 2009 Support Services January
Aim of the research Who uses the park? How do residents use it? What do they think of it? What do residents most value? What changes would residents like? All to inform the management plan for the park Builds a profile of park user for Crawley
Southgate: Who was consulted? 3134 questionnaires to local residents in immediate area of park 100 to clubs/organisations 756 returned 23.4% response rate
Southgate: Who responded? 60% female Three quarters aged over 40 4 in 10 are 60+ Only 1% are under 20 Nearly 84% White British 1 in 5 are dog owners Furnace Green, Southgate, Tilgate residents – (on basis of sample)
How is Southgate being used? Three quarters were park users Most spend one or two hours in the park Walking most popular; also relaxing and use of play area 3 in 10 are visiting with children 16% use car park; most walk
Satisfaction at Southgate Park
Affecting satisfaction levels…… Woodland clearance; campers and fly tipping; security Children’s play area – limited; many comments and comparisons with other parks Not much feedback on sporting facilities; but seem OK Tennis courts attract more comment – resurfacing; change usage?
More issues affecting satisfaction levels…… Emerald Club –better use of the building Good work so far on footpaths; more of the same requested Access at railway end Toilets – very poor Car parking and use by non park users
What is most valued at Southgate Park? Range of facilities – yet satisfaction is not quite as high with this element Other elements also valued, but not quite as important as the range of facilities.
Using other parks in Crawley 6 in 10 use Tilgate Proximity Range of facilities Memorial Gardens – 9% Other local parks don’t tend to be used; residents keeping to their specific areas, unless there’s an attraction
Looking for information Local Papers Leaflets Online Crawley Live
Improvements/change for Southgate Park…….. 29 interested in starting a Friends Group; 97 interested in becoming a member More events – caution on type…. Refreshments/café/kiosk More seating/benches Keep improving footpaths
And more……… More control over dog mess Reduce litter Reduce anti social behaviour at skate park Woodland management Some conservation and ground maintenance issues
And finally…….. Car parking Tennis Courts – refurbish or change use? Improve play area On site manager? – security issues Bring back the paddling pool!?