Should we save the environment? CARS GASOLINE BLACK SMOKE
ENVIRONMENT IS WHAT WE LIVE IN ! What we do to the environment has an “impact” We are a “product” of our environment If the environment goes the human race goes with it and...
Do you want the human race to end so soon?
Restore and replenish REPLENISH: fill, furnish, make up, provide, refill, reload, renew, replace, restock, restore, stock, supply, top up TO FILL OR MAKE COMPLETE AGAIN RESTORE: fix, mend, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, recover, refurbish, rehabilitate, renew, renovate, repair, retouch, set to rights, touch up TO BRING BACK TO AN ORIGINAL CONDITION
Global Solutions – Restore and Replenish Restore and replenish the supply of natural resources Air Ports – Harbors – Coast Areas Fresh water for consumption and fire fighting Rainforest Rivers and Wetlands Species Waters of the Bays and Oceans Actions to take against degradation Restoring rivers and coastlines Improving air quality - ending pollution Controlling commercial uses of the water and shorelines Developing more effective controls and policies Regulating new constructions Implement plans to improve sewage treatment and halt pollution Encourage and assist governmental and private programs to conserve the resources of the Bay, Ocean, Shorelines, Rivers and Wetlands, Ports and Rainforest Replenish wildlife.
Global Solutions – Restore and Replenish WHY ARE RAINFORESTS IMPORTANT? They are the only home for many plants and animals They protect against floods, droughts and erosion 1 out of 4 ingredients in our medicine is from rainforest plants They are the home for 50,000,000 tribal people Tropical rainforests, which cover only 6% of the Earth's land surface, produce about 30% of the Earth's oxygen They help stabilize the world's climate
Global Solutions – Restore and Replenish WHY ARE RAINFORESTS BEING DESTROYED? Humans are cutting down rainforests for many reasons, including: – wood for timber and fires – agriculture for both small and large farms – land for poor farmers who don't have anywhere else to live in – grazing land for cattle – road construction
Global Solutions – Restore and Replenish HOW CAN WE SAVE RAINFORESTS ? Teach others about the importance of the environment and how we can help save rainforests Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down. Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't harm the environment Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment
Restoring Coastal Louisiana and Mississippi River Louisiana's Shrinking Coastline Since 1930, 1.2 million acres of coastal wetlands have been lost. Every 48 minutes, an area of coastal land the size of a football pitch vanishes
Restoring Coastal Louisiana and Mississippi River Why restore the Mississippi River Delta? Coastal wetlands provide protection and are home to huge fisheries, as well as vast populations of migratory birds. This region is the busiest port in North America by volume. Wetlands protect coastal communities including New Orleans. A healthy ecosystem like cypress forest, wetlands, and barrier islands) can buffer storms and can keep up with sea level rise. How to save the Mississippi and wetlands Water Flow Regulation Removing a Dam Improving the Hydraulic Control Reducee erosion, fine sediment and nutrients Building land in the deteriorated Basin devastated by Katrina.
GLOBAL WARMING. Individual Solutions Have we the feeling that environment needs? Respect Do we have the courage that it requires? Change of life Do we know how to stop it? Awareness
GLOBAL WARMING.- Individual Solutions Changing lights bulbs Looking for energy star qualifyyed products Heating and cooling smartly Sealing and insulating your home Using green power Not leaving things turned on like the TV, computer or lights
Being green in your yard Using water efficiently Watching what you buy Buying smartly GLOBAL WARMING.- Individual Solutions
Reducing Reusing Recycling Spreading the voice GLOBAL WARMING.- Individual Solutions
GLOBAL WARMING Individual Solutions Driving smartly Carpooling Giving your car a break Using renewable Fuels
IN CONCLUSION The damage caused to the environment due to human decisions is worse than any natural disasters like global ice ages, planetary collisions, variations in solar radiations, etc… By extinguishing the environment we are destroying a part of ourselves. Biodiversity makes life on Earth livable for our species.
TO SUM UP BE A GREEN HERO!!! Be a leader and show your friends that it’s cool to care about the earth: be green, act green. You are important in the battle to save the environment. The earth needs your help!
RESTORE AND REPLENISH Neldia Adaglio Elena Cobo Gómez Ángeles Miguel Rojo