1 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Green Procurement at Fort Bragg To eliminate this…
2 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Green Procurement at Fort Bragg And this….
3 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Start at the source! But first, a little background information…
4 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Sustainable Fort Bragg Initiated in 2001, stakeholders from installation met and hammered out a vision for a sustainable installation by 2025 Formed teams (air, land use, water, materials, waste, and energy) to develop objectives to meet sustainability goal Environmental procurement position was created to work materials issues from cradle to grave
5 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Sustainable Sandhills In 2003, a regional sustainability initiative was begun by Fort Bragg and NC DENR to include the six counties surrounding the installation Similar teams were formed to address sustainability objectives Ft Bragg provided team liaisons and the interim director
6 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Sustainable Fort Bragg Materials Team used process mapping to discern what FB purchased in great quantity Compared it to landfill violations The decision is made to immediately work on carpet and office furniture
7 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Green Procurement at Fort Bragg Process Improvement Issues: –Carpet and serviceable furniture ending up in the C&D landfill –No central management of office furniture –Multiple sources of purchase for furniture
8 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Green Procurement at Fort Bragg Solution: –Tackle carpet first, then furniture –Walk the walk! Environmental Management Branch renovates offices. We find out if this process will really work…
9 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Carpet CARPET Issue:Carpet ends up in landfills Solution:Require the carpet contractor to take back existing carpet and make new carpet recyclable
10 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Carpet CARPET Process:Write it into Installation Design Guide (IDG) for all new carpets purchased
11 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Carpet Our research indicated carpet tiles were more sustainable than 6’ or 12’ carpet Shaw Carpet carried tiles made from recycled content and would be recycled at the end of their useful life cycle Negotiated with the Corps of Engineers to install Shaw tiles in lieu of 12’ roll in our office
12 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! An Installation Solution We have a working relationship with COE that most installation customers will not have Make it easy for everyone to choose tile: Insert it in the Installation Design Guide (IDG)!
13 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Process Team formed with installation architect and environmental procurement specialist Hosted a forum with four manufacturers: J&J, Mannington, C&A, Shaw Used EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) as foundation for specs Relayed what Fort Bragg wanted in carpet
14 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Carpet Qualities Desired Recycled content Recyclable Product take-back Take existing carpet (regardless of manufacturer) and recycle Make the transition to carpet tiles
15 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Feasibility Did the carpet industry see our specs as feasible? Feed back from manufacturers was added to specs to create a living document for environmentally preferable carpet Created more stringent specs for 6’ and 12’, less stringent for tile
16 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Next Step: Furniture Compared to furniture, carpet looks easy! Using the same process, we are inviting office furniture manufacturers to Fort Bragg for a forum in June to begin writing furniture specs for the IDG: Knoll, Kimball, Steelcase, Adden and GF
17 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Furniture Specs Basic Specs: –Incorporate EPA CPGs (like carpet) –Product take-back –Repair not replace
18 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Other Furniture Issues Refurbished vs. new –EMB office furniture purchase: refurbished Knoll furniture –Contracting difficulties? Uh, yeah…. –Refurbish our own furniture? Ask me about our EPA grant!
19 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Next Project Interior Environmental Showcase, similar to the Fort Lewis model Will include sustainable carpet, furniture and paint selections
20 The Right Way…The Green Way…All the Way! Contact Information Julia Love, Environmental Procurement Specialist, Directorate of Public Works, (910) ,