the property forecaster module facilitates a 360° approach to Asset Management by showing you more than just the condition of bricks and mortar
Using a set of properties, you can create views of the current situation in terms of: Stock condition, Decency, Quality Indicators, plus energy efficiency and ‘other’ factors
These ‘other’ factors can impact greatly on the asset management approach – for example: Repair costs, rent income, void periods, letting success
….even projected budgetary figures based on expected income and expenditure for the properties concerned
An example model showing the ability to project figures into the future and examine the results
All of which help to answer wider questions, such as ‘ should we maintain, refurbish, dispose? ’ or ‘ what if we invest in this scheme in ‘n’ years’ time?’
An example model showing property condition grouped under a number of user definable headings
You can then ‘sum up’ various views of the properties to produce strategic recommendations on viability and sustainability
You can export the report to Excel, Acrobat Reader, and in various other formats at the touch of a button
QL property forecaster module: 360° view of property information Forecasting, budgeting and ‘what if’ Instant ‘live’ report production Strategic planning on scheme viability
for more information, or to book a demonstration, call Or