Legal Deposit slides for Legal deposit only
Restricted items on SOLO Some items on SOLO have a “restrictions apply” notice These are items which the Libraries receive via “Electronic Legal Deposit”
Legal Deposit The Bodleian Libraries are a “Legal Deposit” Library Legally entitled to a copy of every item published in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Historically this has allowed us to amass huge printed collections In 2013 legal deposit was extended to printed items such as ejournals Picture: Bodleian Libraries closed stacks
Electronic Legal Deposit Restrictions The Legal Deposit Act 2003 imposes restrictions on electronic items received under Legal Deposit: Items may only be read on Library owned computers within the Bodleian Libraries Saving, copying and pasting is forbidden Each item may only be viewed by one person at a time
Avoiding restricted items In most cases you can avoid restricted items by choosing carefully from your SOLO results Available both on and off campus Digital copying and copy and paste permitted within copyright rules Available to multiple people at once Available from Bodleian Libraries’ computers only No digital copying / copy and paste Each item may only be viewed by one person at a time