Departmental Deposit
Welcome to Training! Why PeopleSoft? What’s Your Part? PeopleSoft will help UTEP to grow. What’s Your Part? We need your skills and expertise in order to utilize PeopleSoft. It’s a vehicle and you’re the driver! Over time you will build your own history with PeopleSoft. What to Know About Training? Training is an investment in your professional growth. Be open to change
Setting Expectations Only core functionality will be available at go-live. We’re starting with limited workflow—we’ll be using processes outside of PeopleSoft for certain HR & Financial transactions. We’ll have to work through the kinks—some functionality may not work smoothly right at implementation. We’ll have to be patient—we’ll need additional time to process and enter transactions in the beginning. We will be using a PeopleSoft simulation environment during training.
What Can You Do? Feel free to ask questions and take notes. Contact the Help Desk if you encounter a glitch or forget how to complete a transaction. Revisit the training webpage to review training materials and videos. Become your office’s “Go-To” person. Be willing to offer your help. Attend our Go-Live Work Sessions—open lab time you can use to process live documents/transactions.
Terminology Deposit Unit: The business unit that the deposit will be booked in. For all departments except Contracts and Grants the Unit will be UTETR. Deposit ID: The unique identifier for the deposit. Accounting Date: Enter the accounting date for each payment and for all pending items created from the payment. You can override the date on the next page, Regular Deposit Entry – Payments. The system validates the accounting date to make sure it falls within the open period for the business unit, as defined on the Receivables Options – General 1 page. Journal Directly: Select if a payment should be handled as miscellaneous cash received rather than applied to an AR item ID. Payments to be directly journalled cannot be processed in payment worksheets and do not go through Receivable Update. All departments except Contracts and Grants should check the Journal Directly box.
Adding a New Deposit Process Main Menu > Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Regular Deposit Click Add a New Value to enter a new deposit. Verify Deposit Unit is UTETR Enter deposit number from bank deposit in Deposit ID field. Click Add. 1 2 3 4
Adding a New Deposit Process Under Totals tab: Enter the appropriate information. Accounting Date: date of deposit Bank Code: ARBK Bank Account: 2DJ1 Enter total deposit amount in Control Total Amount. Count: This field is used for number of payment types. Ex: if the deposit consists of checks and cash then the count would be 2. 1 2 3
Adding a New Deposit Process 3 1 2 Under Payments tab: Enter the detailed information for each payment that is included in the deposit. Verify Journal Directly is checked. Click on Totals tab and Save. 1 2
Creating Accounting Entries Process Main Menu > Accounts Receivable > Payments > Direct Journal Payments > Create Accounting Entries 1 Verify Deposit Unit is UTETR. You can search for journal by using any of these fields. Click Search. 2 3
Creating Accounting Entries Process Click on SpeedType to enter a cost center. Enter line amount. (Revenue amount should be a negative) Enter appropriate Account. 1 2 3
Creating Accounting Entries Process 1 2 Click on the Currency Details tab. Enter the payment description on the Line Descr field. Click on the Journal Reference Information tab. Enter your department’s four digit code on the Reference field. 3 4
Creating Accounting Entries Process Click on the lightning icon to create the cash line. Check the Complete box. Click Save. *If the status shows Errors the entries have been saved, but the system did not create them. *If the status shows Complete the entries have been saved and are valid. 1 2 3
Creating Accounting Entries Process Under the Deposit Control tab you can review the information about the deposit or delete it.
Review Payments Main Menu > Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments >….. Select one of the following to review payments or deposits: By Bank Account By Unit All Deposits Incomplete Deposits All Payments Incomplete Payments Payments Set to Post Payment Status
References Additional information and resources can be found on the PeopleSoft website. Job Aids Power Point slides Quick Guides Crosswalk UPKs
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