1 Managing Legal Deposit for Online Publications in Germany Cornelia Diebel.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Legal Deposit for Online Publications in Germany Cornelia Diebel

Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Legislation 3.Strategies 4.Automated Workflows 5.Interfaces 6.Quantities 7.E-Journals 8.Visibility of online publications | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek German National Library | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Memory of the nation Law regarding the German National Library (June 22, 2006) -The new legal task includes the collection of media works in „immateriel form“ (= online publications) Legal Deposit Regulation (October 17, 2008) Collection guidelines of DNB | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

How to handle the masses - strategies The collection (=ingest) and the cataloguing of online publications is based on automated processes. On the contrary to the collection and cataloguing of printed works there are no librarians to handle online publications the traditional way. The effort concerning online publications goes into persuading the publisher to supply the objects and the quality assurance of metadata and the objects. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

How to handle the masses – stepwise procedure Collection of print-similar online publications such as E- Books und E-Journals, continuing with online sheet music and online audio books. Submission via webforms for different types of online- resources. Automated ingest-workflows via OAI-PMH and Hotfolder. Selective webharvesting starts later this year. 7 | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012

Three premesis for automated workflows 1.Using metadata standards: in favor of data transfer there is a need to know and to comply with the metadata standard 2.File formats must be known:  for digital longterm preservation  for presentation and using the online publications 3.Using defined interfaces: at the publishers side and at the DNB | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Metadata Reuse of already existing metadata from the publishers. DNB defined a core set of metadata. Metadata are mapped for transmission in the DNB- catalogue. Mappings are available for well known and heavily used standards in Germany. At present: ONIX for Books 2.1, MARC XML, XMetaDissPlus | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

File formats File formats must be known for digital longterm preservation and for presentation and using online publications. We started with PDF in all varieties, but preferably PDF/A. Now we also collect EPUB, JPG, TIF, ZIP, MP3, WAV, WavPak, Flac. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Interfaces DNB  for larger amounts  for E-Books, E-Journals online audio-books, online sheet music  for larger amounts  for E-Books, E- Journals, online audio- books, online sheet music  for smaller amounts  for E-Books, E-Journals and online sheet music | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012 Hotfolder Webforms OAI-PMH 11

Interface: Webform | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Interface: Webform | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Interface: Webform | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

| E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012 Interface: Hotfolder A Hotfolder is a controlled folder at a DNB server. Transmission is possible via sFTP or WebDAV, checksums could be included to ensure the transmission. Every Publisher has his own account to deliver transfer packages. Each online-resource is packed as a zip file, the file names are standardized  Metadata: catalogue_md.xml  Object: content file A confirmation for the publisher is available via the Hotfolder logfiles or via OAI request from the DNB catalog. 15

| E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012 Interface: Hotfolder - the transfer package 16

Interface: Hotfolder - the content file | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Interface: OAI-PMH The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured metadata via OAI-PMH. Service Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests to harvest that metadata. OAI-PMH is a set of six verbs or services that are invoked within HTTP. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Interface: OAI-PMH | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September Object server object fetcher Repository Harvester Request Records OAI-PMH Transfer-URL

Interface: OAI-PMH URL verb=ListRecordssupposed action (1 of 6) &from= T08:11:11Zperiod from … &until= T15:13:13Zuntil &set=onlinelimitation &metadataPrefix=onix Metadata standard | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Digital delivery of online publications In Germany there are some vendors, who handle the digital delivery of online publications to the bookseeling platforms. DNB established contacts to these companies and succesfully tried to persuade them to integrate the delivery to DNB in their business model. Right now the most important players integrated the delivery to DNB, which works good for the DNB and for the publishers. 21 | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012

Quantity of online publications | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September E-Books: PoD: Theses: E-Paper: E-Journals: Digitized: Pr. Music: 1.014

Automated cataloguing Automated Integration of supplied metadata in the catalogue of DNB. Every object is assigned a Persistent Identifier. Linking to parallel print editions, take-over of intellectually produced data like subject headings or links to authority data for persons and corporate bodies. Automated Linking to authority data records either by existing or by newly produced records. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Persistent Identifier URN URN means Uniform Resource Name. URNs are used for identification of online publications. URNs are intended to serve as persistent, location- independent resource identifiers. Other examples for persistent identifiers are: DOI, Handle. DNB provides a resolving service for URNs and tries to make that the objects are available, at least in the DNB. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Challenge: E-Journals The implementation of an automated workflow for E- Journals has to confirm some challenges: To get the relation and the context within the journal, it is necessary to preserve the assignment of journal articles or issues to the journal titles. Preferable via an distinct identifier. In contrast to the situation for E-Books there are no standard metadata formats for E-Journals: we work now with XMetaDissPlus, made our definitons for MARCXML and are planning to use CrossRef and/or the NLM-DTD. | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

E-Journal title | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

E-journal Article | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

A digital repository receives all ingested publications | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September A. N. Other A short introduction to digital long-term preservation urn:nbn:de:12345 A. N. Other A short introduction to digital long-term preservation urn:nbn:de:12345

| E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September 2012 Visibility of online publications Worldwide searchable via the DNB catalog. Access in the library‘s reading room (according to the Copyright Law). Free, free after registration (depending on the distribution rights granted by the depositor). In compliance with German and European copyright regulations. 29

Visibility of online publications – the catalog | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Visibility of online publications – the catalog | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September

Thank you Any questions? | E-Legal Deposit: from legislation to implementation, from ingest to access | September