MFL © CAS 2002
MFL The Immediate Future Tense In English: I am going to play The Immediate Future Tense is formed by using The verb ir + a + infinitive voy vas va vamos vais van a jugar comer vivir Therefore voy a jugar =I am going to playvamos a comer =We are going to eatVan a vivir =They are going to live
MFL ©CAS 2002 Mirar = to watch Vender = to sell Subir = to climb voy vas va vamos vais van You (sg) are going to sell He is going to climb They are going to watch I am going to climb We are going to sell You (pl) are going to watch Vas a vender Va a subir Van a mirar Voy a subir Vamos a vender Vais a mirar
MFL ©CAS 2002 The Future Tense In English: I will play I will be playing The Future Tense is formed by using infinitive + ending hablar beber recibir é ás á emos éis án Beberemos = We will drink Recibiré = I will receive Hablarán = They will speak He will drink = Beberá Hablaré = I will speak Recibiréis = You (pl) will receive
MFL ©CAS 2002 What makes the Future Tense easy to use ? All infinitives use the same endings. What makes the Future Tense more tricky ? There are 12 irregular verbs in the Future Tense