Natural Revelation Reason Created world Experiences of Love Sacred Mystery Divine Revelation Sacred Scripture Bible Sacred Tradition Magisterium The teaching office of the Church that consists of the Pope and the Bishops. They receive their authority from the Apostles whose authority came directly from Jesus.
God Reveals Himself To Us Thought & Reason Creation The Bible Love Incarnation Tradition Natural Divine
Handing down the “Good News” (development of gospels) Experience of Jesus himself Oral tradition(apostles preaching and teaching Jesus’ message) Written accounts Apostolic Succession Process of passing the authority given directly to the Apostles by Jesus to the bishops through the “laying on of hands” in the Sacrament of Holy Orders Deposit of Faith Along with the scriptures, the teachings of the apostles and their successors. Entrusted to the Magisterium Doctrine Dogma
Scripture Tradition Deposit of Faith The written word of God The teachings of the Church based on scripture and the tradition s of the church
Doctrine General Church teaching Dogma Fundamental truths of Revelation that have been defined by the Church as “de fide” and must be held by all Catholics Creed A Statement of beliefs Heresy Denial of the teachings of the Church
Doctrine Dogma General Church teaching Social Justice Contraception Fundamental truths of Revelation Resurrection Trinity Ascension Transubstantiation The Divine and Human Natures of Jesus Assumption of Mary Immaculate Conception
A gift from God to help us believe in Him and in His plan or purpose for each of us Our response to God Reason looks for the truth, Faith helps us find it. Faith and reason work together to help us in our relationship with God
Theology- the study of God Seeking the Truth about God “faith seeking understanding”, St. Anselm Truth Faith Faith has no need to fear reason Reason Science should not ignore faith Why not “only reason”??? Hindered by the human condition and our weakness to sin Approaches to finding the Truth Objective Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions when considering or representing facts Subjective A viewpoint or attitude that arises from personal background, experience, bias, or reflection
A statement of beliefs Apostles Creed Basic statement of beliefs of Catholics Nicene Creed Established at the Council of Nicea, 325 AD (and strengthened at the Council of Constantinople, 381 AD) Ecumenical Council Called by St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt A summary of the main doctrines of the faith and in it we profess our belief in the Triune God Expands the beliefs of the early creeds, ex. Apostles Creed Recited at each Mass Response to the Arian Heresy that proclaimed that Jesus was not divine
Begins with God The Holy Spirit inspires us to pray Forms Adoration: we praise God just because… Contrition: we are sorry for our sins and ask for forgiveness Thanksgiving: we thank god for his many blessings Supplication: we ask God for our needs (petition) and those of others (intercession) Expressions Vocal Silent Contemplative (empties our mind to God) Meditative (reflects on scripture or other holiness) Types Personal Liturgical Effects Personal prayer moves us closer to God Personal prayer helps us to participate in liturgical prayer Liturgical prayer unites us in prayer with the whole Church
Contemplative Prayer Emptying of oneself and accepting Solemn, silent expression of prayer that focuses on Jesus Mysticism: an intense experience or direct communication of love of and union with God St Paul Acts 9: 1-9 Thomas Merton, Trappist monk St. Hildegard von Bingen “voice from heaven” St. Therese St. Francis of Assisi “Rebuild my Church”