Flexgen Trustee Review ~ Part II
Review II Objectives Daily Reports Tax Aggregate / Assessment Changes ACV Balancing Trial Balance MTD Trustee’s Report Month End Year End
Day End Reports Regardless of how you receipt there will be revenues associated with each one, and you can balance these at day end, month end, and year end with the appropriate reports. At Day End certain reports will show you how much cash/check, NNM, you have taken in, but they will also show you the Revenue breakdown and give you the opportunity to make corrections before Proration. The following reports can be found under the Daily > Day End Process menu. Day End
The Drawer Checkout will not only show you how much money you should have to balance out, but also the revenue detail per drawer. From this example we should have $5,037 in receipts, but only $4,962 available for deposit (cash, money order and checks) because $75 was ACV. There is a break down of the revenue totals, and a list of dollar value by receipt type/tax type. Day End Notice these revenue codes. If you aren’t applying penalty this month and you see this revenue, now is the right time to correct any receipts!
(example) We realize that one of the receipts should have had an Assessor change on it, we void it and re-receipt it with Overpayment of $179. The new report will look much the same. We still have the same amount to deposit, Your deposit amount plus ACV = $5,037 in receipts. The difference between the deposit and the revenue amount is $ the overpayment. only the amount of revenue has changed to just $4,858. Day End
There is an Overpayment Report under the Day End menu that you should print and keep with your daily checkout reports. It is available by Drawer or all Drawers. Day End Before month end you will need to follow up with a CD entry for the refund against the account. After prorating, the amount of $179 will hit the refund account.
Day End Here are some other reports to help you in balancing. The Drawer Checkout LIFO report gives a “timestamp” of when a receipt was processed. The Non-COH checkout will list for you receipts that were paid by NNM. DirDep /ACH could also show here if they were set up under the payment control for auto deposit. Change given is a list of those you handed money back to, and the Change Due By Drawer will list you both overpayments and change handed back. If you prorate daily, the Unprorated Receipts Report is one you should run at then end of every day from the 1 st day of the month to current date.
Day End Deposits An alternative to posting a manual DP at the end of the day is using the Deposit Process. This feature will allow you to deposit cash into one bank and checks into another. Even cash out of one drawer into bank A, and cash out of another drawer into Bank B. All within one step.
Day End Start with the Pre-Deposit, choose your dates and Drawer.
Day End Balance to this report, it is similar to a drawer checkout.
Day End Continue on to the Bank Deposit, choose dates, drawer(s) and this time it will ask for the Payment type. For this example we will chose Cash to Bank 100 and …
Day End …and Checks & Money Orders to Bank 200.
Day End Your total matches back to the earlier reports. If you choose, the next step will be to update to the GL.
Day End Even if you choose not to process deposits from this option, there is still information that could be helpful. The Deposit Slip report can give you a report similar to a check register. Just step through the Pre-Deposit and Bank Deposit, choose all the drawers, choose only the Check Payment Type and then print the Deposit Slip. It will list all the checks, check numbers, person’s name and amount. If you do not want the system to update to the GL, just exit the Deposit Process.
Tax Aggregate Balancing There are two (2) Tax Aggregate Reports to choose from: Current Tax Aggregate, or the Tax Aggregate by Tax Year. These reports are located under Menus > Reports > Audit
The Tax Aggregate by Tax Year has more detail and pulls information from different areas of the receipt giving us the ability to double check the system for accuracy. In that regard, it is the preferred report and the one we will be looking at today. Tax Aggregate
In order to get accurate results, there shouldn’t be anyone receipting while these Reports are being run. The cutoff date should be the most current receipt date. Add the “Taxes Collected” amounts from the Net Property and the Public Utility together. Do the same with Unpaid Totals. Tax Aggregate
Run a Master Summary Report to get a comparison. Menus > Reports > Master > Master >Summary > Receipt. Select the default of Receipt #s through Choose All for paid and unpaid, and Both for Personal and Real taxes. We will focus on the Total Taxes, Total Paid and Total Unpaid and compare these against the Tax Aggregate by Tax Year report Tax Aggregate
Collected: $6, $0 = $ 6, Tax Aggregate
UnPaid: $ 1,640,433 + $ 20,600 = $1,661,033. Tax Aggregate
The Tax Roll Report Summary is a One Line report that also balances back to these totals. Tax Aggregate
There may be times when the Tax Aggregate doesn’t balance. Usually there is a simple explanation. Check these items first before going further; Make sure there was nobody receipting while the reports were being run. The Tax Agg. Reports have a date cut off, but the Master Summary and Tax Roll do not. Pick a date where you know there hasn’t been any future receipting. Try running another Tax Agg report for the date of 12/31/2099. The two Aggregates should match. Run a Clerk & Master paid report. The Current Tax year should not be listed. *Balancing the Tax Agg back to the GL Revenue is an optional step. If you choose to do this we suggest that you do it every month. For offices that have multiple city tax collections keep in mind those Revenue codes will need to be added in, along with and among others. If it’s out of balance look at the Account Analysis for JE’s or Manual entries. If there were prior year taxes paid that month, check the default codes for that prior year. Tax Aggregate
The Tax Aggregate By Tax Year also keeps track of changes done to Tax Receipts. Additions are New Receipts added to the Tax Roll. Increases are Existing Receipts that were increased Tax Aggregate Assessment Changes on Tax Aggregate
Likewise, Deletions are Tax Receipts deleted from the system (which we don’t recommend). And Decreases are Existing Receipts that have been reduced. Tax Aggregate
These changes will show up on Audit Report. The simplest Audit report is the Summary Net Change report. It’s a condensed report showing one line of detail per activity. This report will balance back to the Tax Aggregate by Tax Year. Tax Aggregate
Notes: Even if you have entered an increase on a parcel by mistake, and then remove it back to it’s original value, those 2 changes will be recorded. There are several versions of Audit Reports. The Summary Net Change is just one of the them. Go to Menus > Reports > Audit to see your choices. Audit Change codes should be as descriptive as possible. To set up new reason codes go to > Menu > Control Code > Audit Chg Reason. Tax Aggregate
There are two ways to reconcile ACV’s in the system; Manually, or by Payment File. Under Other choose Reconcile ACV’s, choose Single Record Maint and key in the receipt number and date paid. ACV Reconciliation and Balancing
To reconcile by importing a payment file, you will need to request a payment file from the state. The state will this file to you. Save the file from into your DiskCopy folder at the server. ACV’s
The state payment file will include receipts that have been paid to the Applicant. These will show on the ACV Batch Reconciliation Report as an error. Notice the PD TO (paid to) column shows “A” for Applicant. The error shows “ACV Has Not Been Applied”. If the ACV has not been applied to a receipt in your system, the state shouldn’t be paying you for the receipt. This error is more of a notification that payment has been sent to the applicant. Receipts without errors will be reconciled. ACV’s
The Import runs quickly. To be sure it’s completed, you can check an individual receipt for the reconcile flag, or you can run a report.
Run the ACV report located under Menus Reports A-L ACV And choose Applied and Reconciled. Run this for the date range of the state payment file. This should equal your payment, and you should follow up with a Miscellaneous Receipt or manual posting. File this report for future reference. ACV’s
Now we’ll see if we balance with Receivables on the Trial Balance. (or the sum less at locations using Misc.Receipting) Run the ACV report located under Menus Reports A-L ACV And choose Applied and Unreconciled.
Month To Date (MTD) Reports: a summary of department activity
You can print Cash Receipts, Journal Entries, Warrants and Commissions by single Department too MTD Trustee’s Report To get a Transaction Report by Department go to Standard Reports and choose #2 Department
The MTD Trustee’s report ties to the Trial Balance MTD Trustee’s Report If you use the correct Transaction Type (WA, CR, etc), the MTD report will be able to group these transaction types together making balancing easier.
MTD Trustee’s Report
The MTD and Trial Balance tie to the RDB Report MTD Trustee’s Report
Some items you should check before starting the month end close ; Run Unprorated Report for the month, file for audit Distribute / Reconcile Warrants as per local process Balance Bank Statement Post School and/or October Commission Review Account Balances: Cash On Hand Undistributed Taxes - $88 NNM Accounts Receivable / ACV accounts Accounts Payable / Refunds Undistributed Warrants Trustee’s Commission Balance the Tax Aggregate Month End Month / Year End
Timing is everything ! To have the correct beginning balances in the new Fiscal Year, July 1, there are items that need to be taken care of before closing June. Some Trustee’s even close the office a few hours early on June 30 th. Before Closing June review the balances of all your accounts much like you do at month end, however now is the time to start the new year off clean. If there are accounts that you want to change, merge, or rename, this is the best time to do that. Items with a zero balance on June 30 will not show on the July 1 report until something is posted to them. Keep in mind that any corrections you want done for year end must be posted before June’s month end.
First make a backup! From there we can proceed to Accounting > Period End > Month End. The month end menu contains reminders which you may or may not decide to process. We recommend you purge receipts and warrants only once per year. Once you start the Period End Process Step 1 your accounting month will be placed “on hold” and you will not be able to go back and make any more entries. At that point you will get an error about your accounting date. If you must make another entry and you have completed Step 1 of the process, you will need to contact LGC for assistance in setting your month back. Month / Year End
Step 1 will scan for unposted transactions. If you get an error on step 1, this is telling you that user “Tina” has a Journal Entry, CD etc waiting to be posted for this accounting month. Make sure to note the user’s name. Then select OK and you will get another message stating that Step 1 did not complete correctly, and choose OK again. You will need to have this user’s login information. Go to the Manual Transactions screen to research the entry. No other user can login and research this “transaction batch” error. The Month End process can not resume until this transaction is posted or deleted. If this user is not in the office, contact LGC and we will assist you in getting past this error. Month / Year End
Step 2 of the Month End will begin the printing process for Month End with copies of the MTD and RDB Reports. If your printer has jammed or you have selected the wrong printer, you can restart printing without contacting LGC. Simply exit the screen and return back to the Month End Menu. Choose Month End Closing and then select Step 2 of the Period End Process again. This will show you a warning that this step has been executed. Hit and then choose Step 2 again and it will allow you to choose your printer. Month / Year End
Step 3 will print the bulk of your Month End Reports; Trial Balance, Cash Journals, Cash Disbursements Journal, Journal Entries, Department Reports, Account Analysis. We can customize this to print duplicate copies of all or some of these reports. As with Step 2, if your printer jams or you have selected the wrong printer, you can back track at this point without contacting LGC. Simply exit the screen and return back to the Month End Menu. Choose Month End Closing and then select Step 3 of the Period End Process again. This will show you a warning that this step has been executed. Hit and then choose Step 3 again and it will allow you to choose your printer. Step 4 will close out your Month End and finalize the process. This step does not print any reports. Now you’re ready for the Year End ! Month / Year End
The Year End process is not as bad as it looks. There are a lot of items to consider and a lot of paper to print off, but if you are constantly managing your accounts throughout the year there shouldn’t be much to stress over. Reminders Keep everyone out of the system while Month End and Year End is being run. Make backups. A daily backup is sufficient. There are three (3) backups we suggest throughout this June and Year End close process. Make sure you have plenty of paper, toner, and time. Follow the June 30 th and July 1 st suggestions on timing. Print extra copies of MTD and Monthly RDB reports. Once the year is closed you will have minimal access to prior year reports If you have any concerns we are only a phone call away. Month / Year End
Reminders for the New Fiscal Year On July 1 st, or before you receipt anything in the system there are a few items that you need to take care of. The Tax Aggregate needs to be run before any postings on July 1. Follow the same process as with the month end balancing. Make sure this report is run after all June receipts have been entered and before any July receipts are entered. Along with this you should print a Paid and unPaid tax report and a Summary Net Change Report. These will be kept indefinitely. Unpaid Current Taxes become Delinquent Taxes as of July 1 and require a different Revenue Code. Access the Revenue Code and Default Code controls to change all the Current Year numbers over to New Fiscal Year