College Application Information
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do? Figure out what colleges/universities you want to apply to and finalize your list – safety, probable, reach. Step 1 Majors/Degrees Selectivity/Requirements Location Type (private/public, Christian/secular) Size (small or large) Cost (after financial aide) Learning atmosphere Spiritual support/Campus Groups Considerations
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do? Step 2 Plan to take/retake and study for the ACT ACT Prep Options ACT has free test prep options online * Student Preparation Booklet * Preparing for the ACT * Practice test questions * Test Tips * Test Descriptions Request to have scores sent directly from College Board/ACT to each potential college.
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do ? Step 3 Complete your Pre- Application Process. Research your potential colleges: * Campus Visits * College Visits to NorthPointe * Online at school websites. * School Catalogs and Info. (Available in counseling offices). NCAA/NAIA * If you are a potential collegiate athlete be sure your information is up to date with the appropriate organization. Determine Application Deadlines. (Nov. 1, Feb. 1, May 1) Determine information needed for application * Resume * Reference Letters * Transcripts * Fees Do Your Homework
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do ? Step 4 Write your essays, personal statements and resumes for each of the applications you plan to submit. This is often the most difficult part of the process for students Helpful Websites: * 10 Tips for Writing the College Application Essay * Application Essays: Tips for Writing Your Way Into Your Top Choice School. Have a teacher and or counselor review. Do It Write!
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do? Step 5 Now It’s Time to Begin the Application Complete Applications * Online or Hard Copy Request Transcripts *PARCHMENT – ONLINE Send in all requested information and fees Wait for responses Your on Your Way
Where Do I Start? What Do I Do? Step 6 Apply For Financial Aid Fill out the online FAFSA Form Attend FAFSA information night at NorthPointe Request Pin Number Have your Tax Return Know the Schools you want information sent to. Help Is Available
Definitions: Regular Decision-you are applying at the normal date and will receive notification of admissions based on how that college processes applications. You have until May 1 to make your admissions deposit Rolling Admissions-this college will process your application as soon as it is complete. They will send you your admission status result usually within 2-4 weeks of the application at the school. You have until May 1 to make a decision and deposit. Priority-Colleges will often have a priority date for scholarships and other benefits, similar to early action, but may have a later notification date. You have until May 1 to make a decision and deposit. Early Decision-A contract between you and the school to which you are applying. You must have your materials in by an early deadline (generally November 1). Colleges will respond by January 1 st -15 th. If accepted, you must deposit at that school immediately as long as you have received a financial aid package. The contract is binding and the school must also agree. Early Action-This is not binding, which means that the applicant can apply to other colleges early and under regular admissions. In addition, this type of applicant can decide whether or not to attend that college once accepted. You have until May 1 to make a decision and deposit. Common Application-is a single form used by multiple universities for admission. It is a 15-page online packet used by more than 450 U.S. universities. Five of those pages are for the applicant, the rest are forms for teacher evaluations and counselor paperwork. The applicant's portion typically asks for academic and personal background, grades and test scores, and extra-curriculars. It also asks for an essay.
Family Responsibilities Attend Meetings – Stay Informed Know Watch deadlines on ACT, applications, financial aid and scholarships (Nov. 1, Feb. 1, May 1) Make a plan and follow it. Ask for help when needed
Guidance Responsibilities Provide Information and procedures Assist families/students with decision-making Schedule college rep visits to NorthPointe Keep families apprised of scholarship opportunities Assist students/families with applications Provide information/guidance on financial aid Meet with each senior to aid this process Communicate via various means to keep families/students informed
Select the College That is right for YOU!
Guidance Contacts Girls: Sara Roberts– Boys: Shon Cottle – General: Ruthanne Lambert – School Phone: – (616)