Fit Gap Sessions State of Kansas Accounts Receivable January 2015
2 Agenda ●Introductions ●Objectives ●Schedule ●Fit Gap –Global Enhancements with 9.2 ●Enterprise Search (Confirm the areas where it will be utilized) –Business Process Deltas between 9.0 and 9.2 ●Online Review / Offline Review ●Confirm new functionality that should be explored for system design –Workflow ●If applicable – Confirm whether AWE or Virtual Approver will be used –Interfaces ●Retrofit / Eliminate –Customizations ●Retrofit / Eliminate –Reports ●Retrofit / Eliminate –Security –Batch Schedule ●Discussion
3 Introductions ●Name ●Functional Area ●Role
4 Objectives ●Analyze the deltas between current Business processes and version 9.2. –Identify Gaps –Confirm Inventory of Interfaces, Customizations and Reports. ●Facilitate the next stage – Design and Configuration ●A list of potential post upgrade improvements requiring new or changed configuration and business process that cannot be implemented now due to upgrade constraints.
5 Schedule DateTimeTopics 1/21/20152 PM – 4:30 PMAccounts Receivable Part 1 1/28/20151:30 PM – 4 PMAccounts Receivable Part 2
6 Global Enhancements ●Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) – Provides global search capabilities that enables the user to take action from search results without navigating through the menus thereby increasing productivity –SES is implemented through the PeopleSoft Search Framework. The PeopleSoft Search Framework replaces the Verity search engine and provides a standard method to create search indexes for PeopleSoft applications –SES indexing is available in these areas of PS FSCM ●Assets, Expenses, Journals, Payments, Procurement Contracts, Purchase Orders, Receiving in Purchasing, Requisitions in Purchasing and eProcurement, Strategic Sourcing Events, Suppliers, Supplier Conversations, Vouchers
7 Global Enhancements ●Secure Enterprise Search (SES) Expenses example
8 Global Enhancements ●Secure Enterprise Search (SES) Expenses example
9 Global Enhancements ●Pivot Grids –Based on PS Query results that display results in an Excel-like pivot table, chart, or grid. ●Interactive analytical grids and charts –Accessible through pagelets added to a users Home Page, Work Center and Dashboards
10 Global Enhancements Pivot Grid - View Data in 3 ways: ●Grid only display –Analytic grid with 3 axes: row, column and filter –Multilevel display and drag and drop ●Chart only display –Grid and Chart uses data retrieved, populates chart display ●Grid and Chart –Drill down on chart to display details –Drill out option to return to original state
11 Global Enhancements ●Embedded Help –Use Help Icon (?) –Explains how to perform a specific task –Message modal window can be moved
12 Global Enhancements ●Accessible with Apple iPad and other tablet devices ●Certified on Safari browser running IOS version 4.2 or later ●Enables view to virtually all of the PS application pages ●Use with mobile devices
13 Discovery - Business Processes
14 Discovery - Business Processes ●Item Processing ●Payment Processing ●Maintain Items ●Customer Maintenance ●Customer Interactions
15 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Payment Processing - Provides a link to apply the entered payment directly from the Payments page, without having to navigate back to the menu. The new link takes you directly to the Payment Worksheet page or the Direct Journal Accounting Entries page, depending on the type of payment.
16 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●AR Direct Journal Integration with Projects - PeopleSoft AR 9.2 extends the AR to PC integration by interfacing AR direct journals to Project Costing. The interface process was modified to pick up direct journals from Receivables. Users are able to specify an analysis type while entering the direct journal which makes AR direct journal integration to PC consistent with other subsystems.
17 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Payment Worksheet Enhanced Item Copy Capabilities - A new copy function allows an item to be copied independent of whether the item has been selected on the payment worksheet. This enables the AR specialist to create adjustments to lines that have already been selected for payment.
18 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Partial Payments Unpost - The newly designed Payment Unpost process allows users to partially unpost payments. –The standard unpost group will be created, unposting the entire payment group. –The system presents the user with a Partial Unpost Worksheet with all the original payment applications from the payment group. –The user can deselect one or more items from this payment application page, effectively unposting those items. –The user can add new items and perform other transactions to rebalance the payment application.
19 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Receivables WorkCenter - a centralized workspace for Receivables users to manage cash application, payment receipt, and other accounts receivable tasks
20 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Receivables WorkCenter ●Eliminates tedious navigation ●Personalize work tasks by adding/removing delivered alerts, links, reports ●Personalize reports by adding your run control options for reports (Gear icon). Run control parameters are userid specific. ●Link to external sites ●Role based
21 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Receivables Manager Dashboard – customer portfolio analysis. The new pagelets enable AR managers to monitor key information such as Receivables balances by customer, customer aging, items by status, and payments by status through graphs and charts that present data using PeopleTools pivot grid functionality.
22 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Collections Workbench - a central point for PeopleSoft Receivables users to review action items, to analyze customer information, and to perform appropriate actions.
23 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 ●Collections Workbench (continued) –PeopleSoft Receivables 9.2 extends the support for contracts and projects by providing additional search capabilities and showing customer balances by contracts and projects. Users can search for Receivables open item balances by contract, billing specialist, and billing authority and view balances by contract and contract line. The Collections Workbench also shows all projects tied to an open item balance within a contract or contract line.
24 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Maintenance Worksheet enhancements: ●Users are allowed to sort the maintenance worksheet by absolute value of the item balance column so users can quickly find related credit and debit items.
25 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Maintenance Worksheet enhancements (continued) ●The maintenance worksheet also includes additional search criteria— use due date to/from—to search for items
26 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Maintenance Worksheet enhancements (continued) ●Display supplier address sequence number on the maintenance worksheet for sending refunds, and run the refund process for multiple business units.
27 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Customer Conversation enhancements ●Delete Conversation entries –Can only delete your own conversations ●Check spelling on text you have entered in the Conversations entry box
28 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Report enhancements ●In 9.2, dunning reports and customer statements can be set up to run by contract number. ●A new system data parameter that can be used to generate aging, customer statements, and overdue charges enables users to set recurrence for processes and have them run for the current date without any user intervention.
29 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Report enhancements (continued) ●In 9.2, PeopleSoft offers an option to print consolidated invoices on customer statement reports. Displays individual invoices in addition to the consolidated invoice ID with rollup balances.
30 Business Processes – Deltas 9.0 vs 9.2 Report enhancements (continued) ●In 9.2, you can set an aging ID default at the customer level in addition to the business unit default. The aging reports also offer new options to exclude customers with a different Aging ID than the one entered on the run control page.
31 Workflow ●AWE (Approval Workflow Engine) replaces Virtual Approver ●The State of Kansas does not use Receivables workflow
32 Inbound Interfaces Interface Inbound/ Outbound DescriptionFreq FD_INF09 Electronic Revenue (a.k.a. KAREPAY.sqr) Carry forward Inbound Electronic Revenue (AR)/Credit card and echeck transactions from the bank. File comes from DA. Daily FD_INF26 Inbound Customer Interface Used for conversion, carry forward? Inbound AR inbound customer interface (AR)/Entry of customer information into SMART. File comes from 107 agencies Daily FD_INF28 Pending Items Interface Carry forward Inbound Pending Items (AR)/load of open receivables items in SMART. File comes from 2 agencies Daily FD_INF35 SpeedChart Inbound Interface Carry forward Inbound Inbound Speed Chart Interface (AR)/Loading of speed chart information for financial accounting. File comes from one agency Daily FD_INF43_Excel_Deposit_Upload_V3 Carry forward Inbound Spreadsheet Deposit Upload (AR)/inbound deposit load Adhoc FD_INF44_Inbound_Deposit_V4 Carry forward Inbound Inbound Deposit Interface (AR)/Inbound deposit load. File comes from one agency Daily
33 Outbound Interfaces Interface Inbound/ Outbound DescriptionFreq FD_INF29 Outbound Deposit Interface (a.k.a. KAROBDEP.sqr) Not used by several agencies (UKMC, STO) Carry forward? Outbound Outbound Deposit Interface (AR)/Extract of AR deposits. File goes out to 6 agencies Daily FD_INF19 Module Transaction Interface Carry forward Outbound Module transaction interface (AR/GL)/ transaction extract from the AR and GL modules. File goes out to 14 agencies Daily
34 Customizations ●FD_AR002_Deposit Approval V.4 Carry forward ●FD_AR005_Bank, Account & Currency Carry forward ●FD_AR006_Direct Journal SpeedCharts Carry forward ●FD_AR007_Payment Method Cash Carry forward ●FD_AR008_Merchant ID Carry forward ●FD_AR009_Customer Types Carry forward ●FD_AR010_Balanced Deposit Page for STO V.1 Carry forward ●FD_AR012_Accounting Entry Review Page Carry forward ●FD_AR013_Deposit Control by Payment Method Carry forward ●FD_AR017_Deposit Page Hyperlink V.5 Disabled in Eliminate ●FD_AR021_Disable AR Budget Check Button Carry forward
35 Customizations Interfund customization covered separately, but includes: ●FD_AR016_Custom Interfund Processing V0.3 ●FD_AR022_Modify Interfund Customer and Vendor Search Prompts ●FD_AR023_Interfund Mass Approval
36 Custom Reports Report Name ToolsCarry Forward? RPTAR029_CFS Background Checks Report QueryCarry Forward RPTAR062 (a.k.a. KAR00002.sqr) Receivables Transaction Analysis Report This report provides state agencies with receivable transaction detail, current month and year to date balances for the current year by accounting date. Information will be provided by Business Unit, Department, Fund, Budget Unit, Program, and Account. Optional ChartFields include Project ID, Activity, Source Type, Category, and Subcategory SQR Carry Forward RPTAR063 (a.k.a. KAR00001.sqr) Month Receipt Analysis Report Generates report on Miscellaneous and Non Miscellaneous receipts. Tables Used are PS_PAY_MISC_DST, PAYMENT,ITEM_DST,PAYMENT_ID_ITEM SQR Disabled v9.0 in 2010 Do not carry forward
37 Customized Delivered Reports ●AR30004.sqr - Aging Summary By Business Unit –Per Andy Kuhn, this program has not been customized, use as delivered. ●AR60001.sqr - Unit Activity –Per Andy Kuhn, this program has not been customized, use as delivered.
38 Security ●Current State –Custom Permission lists and Roles used –Row level security used – BU/SETID –Some security design changes will be needed during system design ●This will be discussed with SOK security team separately
39 Batch Schedule ●Changes to Batch schedule?
40 Open Discussion & Questions