Loss Mitigation and Foreclosure Prevention Workshop HOMELIFE – A K2 Law Affiliate Company
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS Who is HomeLife? 1.HomeLife is the premier educational intake center for The Law Offices of Kramer & Kaslow. 2.We are a growing network of over 300 real estate and mortgage professionals nationwide. 3.We are consumer advocates dedicated to the highest level of integrity and customer service. 4.We provide debt elimination and loss mitigation solutions in ALL 50 states. 5.Our financial professionals represent an elite group of top producers across the nation. Who is K2 Law? 1. K2 Law Firm has over 25 years of experience in Real Estate law. 2. We are a full service file preparation and loss mitigation firm. 3. We are a California Bar approved law firm with an impeccable history of serving our clients. 4. We are “AV” rated by Martindale-Hubbell (visit for details). 5. We have successfully completed over 2,800 loan modifications for homeowners nationwide.
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS 10 Real Estate Facts Every Homeowner Should Know 1. Millions of American homeowners are upside down on their mortgages. 2. In many areas, local homeowners have seen home values drop 30% to 50% or more. 3. Refinancing is NOT an option for most people due to declining property values, the inability to show adequate income and credit issues. 4. Many homeowners are making uninformed decisions regarding their future without fully exploring ALL of the options available to them. 5. Homeowners need to be educated by professionals they can TRUST to inform them about their options. 6,. Many homeowners have tried and failed to modify their loans on their own. 7. Contrary to popular belief, your lender DOES NOT want your home! 8. Lenders ARE willing to negotiate a loss mitigation solution AS LONG AS IT MAKES SENSE. 9. Lenders ARE being held accountable for underwriting errors and omissions. 10. Lenders ARE being forced to negotiate with homeowners to come to a solution that works for all parties involved.
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS What are the 5 steps to our Loss Mitigation Solution? HomeLife and K2Law follow 5 basic steps to successfully negotiate a loss mitigation solution for our clients. 1. Initial Discovery and Consultation – This is where one of our highly trained associates will discuss your specific situation and how you feel you are in need of a loss mitigation solution. Once we understand your situation we utilize the latest in technology to qualify you. a) HomeLife Decision Report - Utilizes the most up to date government and lender guidelines to create a financial proposal your lender can’t ignore. 2. Contract and Document Review - One of the most critical components to our success of your loss mitigation solution is completed with you by our trained staff. We will request a small amount of documentation from you. When received, along with the signed contract and payment, we will review it for any necessary adjustments to your detailed financial statement that we present to your lender showing the proper deficit/surplus ratios. 3. Hardship Letter Preparation & Lender Specific Submission Forms - Our document preparation team prepares your hardship letter and lender specific submission forms (includes the preparation of government required forms). 4. Complete Bank Ready Package Preparation - Our document preparation team will create two (2) bank ready, loan modification submission packages. You will receive an organized folder for your records. 5. Negotiation - We will FAX and CONTACT your lender and begin negotiating with them towards a successful loss mitigation solution for you and your family.
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS T What is the HomeLife Decision Software? 1.It determines what loss mitigation solutions are available to the homeowner. Some solutions may include: a) Loan Modificationb) Short Sale or Short Sale Refinance c) Deed in Lieud) Forbearance e) Repayment Plan 2.It references the Federal Reserve Bank/Department of Treasury (FRB/DOT) guidelines passed since September Guidelines are updated on demand. 3.It decisions the Homeowner by calculating the best blend of rate and term (within 31% - 38%) front end Debt to Income ratio (DTI). If the resulting DTI is above this target, there are other solutions available. 4.It identifies what the best options are for your lender and what their potential loss values are. It additionally defines the best solution for both the homeowner and lender. 5.It utilizes a multi-dimensional valuation algorithm that prescribes a unique value set drawn from the best Real Estate Data Values to come up with the most accurate value of the your property. 6.It creates a historic value of your property dating back to the height of the market, and carries through to a future 12 month projection of value. Simply stated, the model forecasts the positive or negative trend of the property value based on current marketing time within any given market. 7.Web access allows us to see immediate easy to understand results that are based on; a)Basic borrower and property information to determine the solutions available to the homeowner. b)Takes only minutes, not weeks or months to determine the whether or not you are pre-qualified c)Decision results that is concurrently available to the homeowner, their advocate and the lending institution.
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS What Can You Expect from a Loss Mitigation Solution?What is the Process and Typical Results? How Does a Client Qualify?Our Guarantee. 1.Accountability and consideration from your lender when requesting a modification. 2.Consideration of YOUR current financial situation. 1.Income vs. expenses. 2.Property Value 3.Current loan parameters 1.Interest Rate 2.Type of Loan 3.Length of Loan 4.Loan Balance 3.The most beneficial modification possible. 4.Most importantly….. A NEW PAYMENT THAT YOUR’E COMFORTABLE WITH! 1.A loss mitigation solution could result in the restructuring of a homeowner’s current mortgage. 2.It is NOT a refinance and it’s NOT based on equity or credit scores. 3.It IS based entirely on a homeowner’s CURRENT financial situation and their ability to make the modified payments. 4.A THOROUGH analysis of your property and financials are conducted through the use of our HOME LIFE system. 5.Expert negotiators work on YOUR behalf with your lender for a mutually beneficial solution. Negotiations are completed ONLY when ALL parties are satisfied. To “qualify” you MUST have two things: 1.An ability to pay the modified monthly payments - You MUST have an ability to make your newly modified loan payments in full and on time. 2.Realistic expectations! - You MUST have a realistic expectation as to what your lender can and/or will do to help you reach an acceptable mitigation solution. 1.We will produce and deliver a through our HOME LIFE system a instant “qualification” decision. 2.We will package, present and negotiate a loan mitigation on behalf of YOU our client. 3.We will get a loss mitigation offer from YOUR lender that YOU and your lender will be happy with!
HOMELIFE LOSS MIIGATION SOLUTIONS How Do You Get Started? Organizational StructureSummary HomeLife K2 Law Firm Loss Mitigation Team Client Services/ Quality Control If you have any additional questions or comments, or if you are ready to move forward, please contact the HomeLife Client Ambassador that introduced you to this this presentation. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with you towards another successful loss mitigation solution. The HomeLife Team!