URSA 4.1 0verview NorthWest Pacific CODI August 5, 2005 NorthWest Pacific CODI August 5, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

URSA 4.1 0verview NorthWest Pacific CODI August 5, 2005 NorthWest Pacific CODI August 5, 2005

Agenda URSA 4.1 Highlights Placing Requests Managing Requests Administration & Setup

What is URSA 4.1? New model for resource sharing –“Extended circulation” –Most automated product available –Uses standards to streamline tasks –Allows staff to focus time on “difficult” requests Designed for consortia, statewide projects and single libraries

URSA Speeds Delivery

URSA Reduces Costs

Why URSA for requests? Users place their own requests –Virtual catalog searches –Union catalog searches –Fill in forms for Copy or Loan materials Eliminates need for staff to key in data Captures accurate bibliographic data Authenticates users at home library Mediate or send directly to preferred lender Provides statistical reports of usage

Why URSA to Manage Requests? Streamlined workflow –Simple to learn –Save staff time and money –Speed delivery –Reduce cost per transaction Link to circulation -- avoid overlapping tasks Improve service to patrons –Faster delivery –Immediate results –View request status –Real-time cancel & renew

Request Management Staff privileges determine access Staff modify client view Each library sets its own policies Configure policies for automating lending –Only receive requests for available items –Place holds automatically or print picklist –Age to next lender –Lender of last resort Provide statistical reporting

URSA Workflow Options Automated –Patron initiated requests –Streamlined request management –Interoperation with circ Traditional –Staff or patron initiated –Mediated request management Hybrid –Staff or patron initiated –Mediate at borrowing or lending or both –Mediate by user type

Workflow Overview Patron places request Lending staff fill request Borrowing staff receive Borrowing staff return Lending staff complete

Patron Initiates Request URSA PLACES Request PLACES Request Lending Library Checks home library Checks profiles Finds available item Places Hold via NCIP Searches online catalogs via Z39.50

Lender Fills Request Staff pull held item from shelf Staff pull held item from shelf Staff URSA automatically checks out Filled item on lending library’s circulation system URSA automatically checks out Filled item on lending library’s circulation system Print wrapper or label in URSA for shipping

Borrower Receives Item Staff URSA creates temporary local bib and item record and places hold for user. URSA creates temporary local bib and item record and places hold for user. Receive Fill Hold Hold Shelf Item sent to pickup location & hold filled. Circulation system notifies user, checks item out and tracks overdues.

Borrower Returns Loan Staff URSA checks in item and deletes temporary local bib and item record URSA checks in item and deletes temporary local bib and item record Return Ship Print wrapper or label in URSA for shipping

Lender Completes Loan Staff URSA automatically checks in Completed item on local circulation system URSA automatically checks in Completed item on local circulation system Re-shelve or route

Accept OPTIONAL Accept OPTIONAL URSA Automates Request Management Approve OPTIONAL Approve OPTIONAL U R S A 4.0 U R S A 4.0 Lending Library User’s Library Receive Return 3 2 Fill Complete 1 4 New Request 4 simple steps -- compared to 12 or more steps in traditional processes

URSA Interoperates with Circulation

Dynix Interoperability URSA uses standards –Z39.50 Searching  Search a wide variety of automation systems  Return bibliographic and holdings information –NCIP Links to ILS  Tested with Endeavor, Ex Libris, Polaris, Horizon, Sirsi, and TLC; others scheduled  Proprietary links with DRA, Dynix, III & others –ISO ILL for traditional ILL resources –HTTP/HTTPS and other web standards

URSA Configuration Staff mediation optional –Borrowing, lending or notes only –Automate = “Pre-mediate”  Patron borrowing privileges by user type  Tiers of lenders by preference  Lender receive requests for available items Centralized or distributed processing Only receive requests for available items –Set criteria for circ status, collection, location & medium –Age to next lender after processing time –Expire automatically

URSA 4.1 Statistics Cross-tabulated activity reports –Consortia & library systems see summary Detailed Borrowing & Lending reports  Total requests  Filled, unfilled number and percentage  Turnaround times Copyright report Lender Fee report Export and customization –Select desired format (xls, pdf, html, xml, & comma delimited –Customize in application of choice –Adapter for Web Reporter allows more customization, scheduling and graphical reports

Copyright Report for Utah Valley LibrariesBeginningEnding Journal TitleYearISSNRequestsCCL/CCG Archaeology CCL British News CCL Cataloging Today CCG Forbes CCL Print

Technical Overview Ultra-thin Swing client –Java-based –Download from web –Automatically updates when launched –Configurable by staff –Size comparable to web browser –Windows 2000/XP, MAC, Linux ASP professionally hosted –Full redundancy –Expandable & repairable without downtime –Up-time guarantees –Backups, upgrades, etc. done by Dynix

Current URSA Customers New Hampshire State Library Marina (Maryland State Library) North Bay Cooperative Library Service Tampa Bay Library Consortium Boston Network (incl. MA State Lib) MiLE (Michigan) MidWisconsin Federated Library Services Nioga (NY) Capital District Library Consortium Rochester Regional PALCI (Pennsylvania Academics) Borrow Direct (“Ivy League” Academics) Boston Library Consortium

Dynix Contact Gail Wanner, Resource Sharing Product Specialist