C REDIT R ISK 2012: A NSWERS TO INQUIRING QUESTIONS Weekly Columns: Ag Globe Trotter: Road Warrior of Agriculture: Dr. David M. Kohl Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Applied Economics Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (540) (Alicia Morris) | (540) (Angela Meadows) | November 4, 2011
Trends in Ag Banking 250/500 million mutation customer too large to finance 3000/1000 family owned rural community dynamics young lenders Dodd-Frank consumer lending Rabobank 4 time increase other 2
Trends in Farm Credit System national movement corporate/funding issues consolidation three funding banks young farmers/ranchers 100 th year 3
Lenders’ Top Questions for Dr. Kohl What are the actions of lenders that do risky lending? collateral-based lending no sensitivity testing: cash flow/profitability liquidity equity/collateral concentration growing too fast - customer & lender producer/lender fraud chasing hot markets 4
Lenders’ Top Questions for Dr. Kohl What are the behaviors & actions of successful agricultural lenders? strong credit culture with sound financial analysis knows the customers and industries culture of lifelong learning the “what if” lender marketing culture of relationship lending board and management team understand agriculture 5
Lenders’ Top Questions for Dr. Kohl What are proactive practices of regulators? staff that are quick learners of the industry, lenders, and customers encourage strong financials encourage accrual-adjusted records for producers that are growing, highly-leveraged, or above $250,000 in sales encourage bank boards and CEO to have employee training metrics two to six hours of education per week for examiners/regulators think globally but act locally 6
Family Living Summary 7
Farm Family Living Expense Increases Expense Item% Increase from Food48% Medical/health insurance180% Personal interest, consumer credit cards365% Miscellaneous226% Gifts169% Education29% Recreation40% Social Security and income tax192% 8
Lenders’ Top Questions for Dr. Kohl What are your thoughts on family living costs? family living withdrawals are like concrete; once set, they are difficult to change averages: 2011:$80,000 1986:$20,000 1967: $4,000 monthly basis plus 25% 25% of expenses are commingled in the business 9
Financial & Management Benchmarking Dashboard (Top of Cycle) Benchmark Measure Green Green Yellow Yellow Red Red Case Farm Your Business Percent Equity>75%50-75%<50% Working Capital/Revenue >50%25-49%<25% Return on Assets>15%7-14%<7% Coverage Ratio>300% %<125% Operating Expense/Revenue (Excluding Interest & Depreciation) <65%65-75%>75% Know Cost of Production By EnterpriseFarm Ranch Overall None Credit Score> <650 Family LivingLowModestHigh Risk ManagementAll Components SomeNone Business PlanWrittenVerbalizedNone 10