FirstSearch Update March 2005 Vivien Cook, Regional Account Manager
Today’s Topics : The drivers of change Linking functionality New content Resource sharing functionality Administration Module Usage statistics FirstSearch Update
The drivers of change Increase the returns from the investment libraries make into their collection and resources (electronic and print) User demands New Oracle platform The web revolution Internal rationalisation
Linking functionality WorldCat, FirstSearch databases & ECO Inbound Linking from services such as: Bowker CSA EBSCO EBSCOhost Ex Libris SFX Gale InfoTrac ProQuest Goggle / Yahoo! Library Web Sites Book Searches Bibliographies Music & video Searches Article Searches Booksellers Library ownership via OPAC Document Suppliers Full-text Articles Ebooks Outbound Linking to services such as: NetLibrary JSTOR Infotrieve Alibris Z39.50 library catalogues Your web catalogue
Linking functionality Variety of outbound links My own library’s OPAC
Linking functionality
OCLC Environmental Scan The Web has become the most significant engine driving changes that impact on libraries and OCLC PICA alike. Google has transformed the world we inhabit Google is a major player in search technologies Google has become a substitute for a visit to the library’s reference desk
Challenge : How do we bring the world of the Library (order, rationality) and the world of the Web (disorder, anarchy) together ? OCLC Mission: To “weave libraries into the Web” becomes the driver behind the Open WorldCat Program OCLC Environmental Scan
Note my Yahoo! search Link to OpenWorldCat “Find in a Library”
Access Library Information Access the Library OPAC
All your electronic resources now visible to web users
New Content WorldCat continued growth 3.2 million records added July 03 and June million records to date Dublin core metadata related to digitized items now automatically harvested, converted to MARC and stored in WorldCat Future ability to handle cyrillic, hebrew and greek character sets Electronic Books database Added Nov 2004, contains records for more than 200,000 ebooks, available on licence, purchase or public domain titles Philosopher’s Index – citations and abstracts from 550 journals
25 years of reliability More than 7,000 libraries, resource centers and document suppliers globally Handles over 10 million requests each year Request made every 4 seconds WorldCat search every second
Powerful FirstSearch search capabilities More WorldCat-based activities within a library are integrated Single platform = Reduced information costs Single platform allows for greater control over future enhancements Why Integrate Resource Sharing into FirstSearch ?
The Benefits Easier to use and budget for resource sharing Increase sharing accuracy and fill rate, more request processing options Turnaround requests more quickly Integration with OPAC increases visibility of local fulfilment options, saving money End user more informed
Unlimited WorldCat Resource Sharing services (searching, holdings, produces) Unlimited use of Fee Management and statistics Unlimited online Union Listing Lending credit history incorporated into quote New Pricing Model 2005
Number of Requests$ Up to , , , , , Custom Quote Subscription Bands
Number of loans Discount rate % % % IFM users monthly invoicing prevails Lender Discounts