“That I May Dwell Among Them” Principles of Fellowship and Unity in the Symbols of the Tabernacle
“the branches… share in the nourishing root of the olive tree” Rom. 11:17 (ESV) Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Naphtali Dan Gad Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin
The Ecclesia of God Acts 7:38 IsraelEcclesia “God hath chosen thee” Deut 7:6 “chosen generation” 1 Pet. 2:9-10 “a kingdom of priests” Ex. 19:6 “royal priesthood” 1 Pet. 2:9-10 “a holy nation” Ex 19:9“a holy nation” 1 Pet 2:9-10 “a peculiar people” Deut. 14:2“a peculiar people” 1 Pet. 2:9-10 “the people of God” Judg. 20:2“the people of God” 1 Pet. 2:9-10 “the tribes of Yahweh” Ps.122“the ecclesia of God” “the whole family” Amos 3:1“the whole family” Eph. 3:15
The Tabernacle Chabar – to join. Other related words for example are cheber = community; chaber = an associate etc. 29X. 14 of those are re. the Tabernacle. Exo. 26:3 (2), 6, 9, 11; 28:7 (2); 36:10 (2), 13, 16, 18; 39:4 (2). Chobereth – 4X, fem. act. part of 2266 – a joint. Exo. 26:4,10 (2); 36:17. Yachad (3161) – 2X - a unit, that is unitedly; Exo. 26:24; 36:29.
A. A. Outer Court… Represented a mental approach and preparation as an essential prerequisite to further development. Here our minds are changed towards the Divine arrangement of things. Here is the first step in separation to the Divine education. Here is the first step in reconciliation between the creature and the Creator.
B. The Holy Place… Represented a moral application in lives and characters of those who have developed beyond the ‘outer court’ stage. Here is to be seen the present service of the saints in the Ecclesia. Here characters are changed. Here is seen reformation and dedication to the Truth’s service
C. The Most Holy Place… Points forward to ultimate glorification, physical perfection in changed bodies, and in exaltation in the immortal state of the Kingdom of God.
Yahweh’s Dwelling Place in a “Body” “ It is necessary for us to display the same characteristics of the entrance curtain. Now, in the days of our flesh (scarlet) we are to manifest God (blue) and His righteousness (white). Such as these are gathered together to form one body or Ecclesia in Christ. As Christ is represented in the Tabernacle coverings, he has surrounded, he has covered, he has embraced all who form the Temple of God. They all stand upon the foundation (sockets) of the atonement – their purchase price. The boards of the Tabernacle present the picture of the Ecclesia as Yahweh desires it – it is His pattern! They represent individual members of the Ecclesia who have a common basis of association, objectives, hopes: each working closely to the next so as to achieve the purpose of their calling; none hidden but all seen in their rightful places; combining to form a strong Ecclesia, upright in faith, manifesting the moral attributes of Him who called them “out of darkness into the glorious light” of His Truth – “golden” characteristics which are evident in the Ecclesia.”
The Most Holy Place: The veil of course representing Christ separated the Holy from the Most Holy Place. It separates our present service and our future glory. It separates our present fellowship and our future eternal companionship. It separated the present Ecclesia in the flesh and the Divine nature eternal life state of the perfect future.
The Parable of the Tabernacle Outer CourtHoly PlaceMost Holy Place 1. Mental Preparation Moral Application Physical Perfection 2. Changed Minds Changed Characters Changed Bodies 3. SeparationDedicationGlorification 4.ReconciliationReformationExaltation
Summary Principles Yahweh wants His people to dwell alone, separate from the world – to be holy in an unholy world, a community of “called out ones”. As Israel partook of the altar, our God wants us to participate in the dedicated life of sacrifice of our Lord, in the cutting off of the flesh. Our Father wants us to be washed by His Word before we enter the fellowship and service of the ecclesia. Yahweh’s desire is for the members of His ecclesia to have a common basis of association, objectives and hopes, to be upright in faith – standing upon the foundation of the atonement, each closely compacted together that no outside light might penetrate the Ecclesia. God wants His Ecclesia to shine with intense brightness as each and every member reflects and re-reflects the light of the Word, He wants constant, sincere prayer both private and public that rises acceptably to Him. He wants weekly renewal of acceptable fellowship in breaking of bread. And He wants His ecclesia to be one – a unit, a whole – just as the Tabernacle was. To be joined in fellowship on the basis of faith, godliness and righteousness.