Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems AN/SPY-1D(V) ECMA Enhancement Based on Adaptive Computing Systems Technology Rick Pancoast Matt French 7 March 2002
05/18/98 ACS Research Community BYU Sandia UCLA ISI SandiaSAR/ ATR NVL IR ATR NUWC Sonar Beamforming LANL Ultra Wide- Band Coherent RF LANL Multi- dimensional Image Processing Lockheed Martin Applications Challenge Problem Owners SLAAC Developers Electronic Counter- measures Component Developers NAVAL ELECTRONIC & SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS L O C K H E E D M A R T I N DARPA SLAAC Affiliates System Level Applications of Adaptive Computing
ECMA AN/SPY-1 GSA CABINET (4 BAY) AEGIS CRUISER WITH AN/SPY-1 RADAR ECMA Frame Performs Electronic Counter-Measures Assessment for the AN/SPY-1 Radar on AEGIS Cruisers and Destroyers ECMA Frame Performs Electronic Counter-Measures Assessment for the AN/SPY-1 Radar on AEGIS Cruisers and Destroyers ECMA Frame
Legacy AN/SPY-1 vs. Adaptive Computing-Based ECMA Limitations - Fixed Configuration - Not Adaptable to Changing Threat - Difficult and Costly to Modify - Consumes Entire Frame (10% of DSP) - No Room for Growth Limitations - Fixed Configuration - Not Adaptable to Changing Threat - Difficult and Costly to Modify - Consumes Entire Frame (10% of DSP) - No Room for Growth ECMA AN/SPY-1 GSA CABINET (4 BAY) SLAAC COTS ECMA NEST (6U VME) AMS Wildforce Board Desktop PC SLAAC2 BoardCSPI 2641S Board VME Nest Advantages - Provides Real-Time Reconfiguration For the Current Threat - Provides Adaptability to Future Threats - Easy to Modify (VHDL Modifications) - Partially Populated VME Nest (<50%) - Room for Growth Advantages - Provides Real-Time Reconfiguration For the Current Threat - Provides Adaptability to Future Threats - Easy to Modify (VHDL Modifications) - Partially Populated VME Nest (<50%) - Room for Growth SLAAC1 Board
ECMA Function 1: SPY ECMA Input Data SPY ECMA Output Data SLAAC ECMA Output Data ECMA Function 2: SPY ECMA Input Data SPY ECMA Output Data SLAAC ECMA Output Data DARPA SLAAC/ECMA Demonstration Data ECMA-ACS TI will effectively leverage DARPA SLAAC / ECMA efforts
Benefits of Adaptive Computing Technology for the SPY-1 ECMA Frame SPY ECMA Function 1 ECMA Function 1 Utilizes 0.36% of Module ECMA Function 1 Utilizes 0.36% of Module ECMA Function 2 Utilizes 0.26% of Module ECMA Function 2 Utilizes 0.26% of Module SPY ECMA Function 2 Entire SPY-1 ECMA Frame Electronics Fits Into Half a 6U Module 95% Reduction of the SPY-1 ECMA Subsystem
Future Possible Applications ACS-Based COTS ECMA Processor Data-Dependent Reconfiguration of the ECMA Processor (I.e. Adaptive ECMA - Adapt Processing to the Current Threat) TBMD Counter-Counter Measures Capability Utilize ECMA-ACS for NTW Block I Signal Processor Other SPY-1 Radar Processing Using ACS Use ACS to Replace / Reduce SPY-1 Circuitry (DMS Issues) Rapid (Real-Time) Reconfiguration (RTR) Utilize ACS to Implement Test Dwell Circuitry Use ACS to Modify Processing Within the Dwell Use ACS to Simplify Coherent Sidelobe Cancellation (CSLC) Navy Theater Wide Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense (Block I) Wider Bandwidth Processing ACS-Based COTS ECMA Processor Data-Dependent Reconfiguration of the ECMA Processor (I.e. Adaptive ECMA - Adapt Processing to the Current Threat) TBMD Counter-Counter Measures Capability Utilize ECMA-ACS for NTW Block I Signal Processor Other SPY-1 Radar Processing Using ACS Use ACS to Replace / Reduce SPY-1 Circuitry (DMS Issues) Rapid (Real-Time) Reconfiguration (RTR) Utilize ACS to Implement Test Dwell Circuitry Use ACS to Modify Processing Within the Dwell Use ACS to Simplify Coherent Sidelobe Cancellation (CSLC) Navy Theater Wide Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense (Block I) Wider Bandwidth Processing
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-9 Technology Concept to Transition to Production Lockheed Martin NE&SS ECMA-ACS Roadmap Technology Transition (Navy PEO-TSC Production ) ECMA Enhancement ECMA - ACS Technology Application (Navy PEO-TSC TI ) Production Technology Development (DARPA ACS ) SLAAC / ECMA
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-11 ECMA-ACS System Concept 292 Bits AMS Wildstar-A IFI1A Power Supply A IFI2A Spare-A AMS Wildstar-B IFI3B Power Supply B IFI4B Spare-B ECMA-ACS 707 Bits RTD1 Cabinet: IFP1 Frame DBT1 Frame RTD1 Cabinet: IFP1 Frame DBT1 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: IFP2 Frame DBT2 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: IFP2 Frame DBT2 Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame WFG Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame WFG Frame RTD1 Cabinet: DBT1 Frame RTD1 Cabinet: DBT1 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DBT2 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DBT2 Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame WFG Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame WFG Frame 6 Slot VME Side A 6 Slot VME Side B
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-12 CSEDS Demo Configuration ECMA Frame IFP Frame Actual Output Test Bed Output DBT Frame IOB Frame Compare Results Run ECMA and collect actual output 2. Run ECMA-ACS and collect test bed output 3. Compare output results via Matlab 3 ECMA-ACS Common Stim Inputs
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-17 ECMA Video ECMA-ACS Enhancement Effectively Performs Legacy ECMA Functions Correctly
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-18 Legacy vs. ACS Error ECMA-ACS Enhancement Provides Equivalent or Lower Data Errors
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-20 ACS - ECMA to the Fleet Lockheed Martin Engineering Has Developed a Plan for SLAAC - ECMA Transition to Production Working With LM Production PMO and Navy Production PO to Transition Into Next AEGIS Production Contract Will Put FPGA-Based ECMA on DDG (Destroyer) Ships From Concept to Production in Three Years! Navy AEGIS PMS-400 Program Office is Firmly Behind the Transition Lockheed Martin Engineering Has Developed a Plan for SLAAC - ECMA Transition to Production Working With LM Production PMO and Navy Production PO to Transition Into Next AEGIS Production Contract Will Put FPGA-Based ECMA on DDG (Destroyer) Ships From Concept to Production in Three Years! Navy AEGIS PMS-400 Program Office is Firmly Behind the Transition
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-21 Custom shock-hardened two- high module format AN/SPY-1D(V) Format Electronic Modules Capture Existing IFI Module Design Develop FPGA-Based Processing Module Frees up space for additional functions (AN/SPY-1 B/D Upgrades, Cruiser Conversion, NTW) Custom shock-hardened two- high module format AN/SPY-1D(V) Format Electronic Modules Capture Existing IFI Module Design Develop FPGA-Based Processing Module Frees up space for additional functions (AN/SPY-1 B/D Upgrades, Cruiser Conversion, NTW) SPY-1 D(V) Frame / Nest Solution for Tactical ECMA This is the Navy’s Preferred Tactical Option (FY’02)
07/27/2001 / AN/SPY-1D(V) / SHK-22 ECMA-Enhancement System Concept With SPY-1 D(V) Signal Processor 292 Bits NIFI1A ECMA-Enhancement 707 Bits RTD1 Cabinet: DP1 Frame TP1 Frame RTD1 Cabinet: DP1 Frame TP1 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DP2 Frame TP2 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DP2 Frame TP2 Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame GSA Cabinet: IOB Frame 7 Slot D(V) Side A 7 Slot D(V) Side B IFP Cabinet: IFP1 Frame IFP2 Frame IFP Cabinet: IFP1 Frame IFP2 Frame RTD1 Cabinet: DP1 Frame TP1 Frame RTD1 Cabinet: DP1 Frame TP1 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DP2 Frame TP2 Frame RTD2 Cabinet: DP2 Frame TP2 Frame NIFI2ANIFI3A GCMA NIFI4A EPICA SPARE NIFI1BNIFI2BNIFI3B GCMB NIFI4B EPICB SPARE
Summary ECMA Upgrade Provides an Equivalent Replacement for SPY-1 ECMA Outputs Parallel Legacy - In Some Cases Providing Less Error FPGA-Based ECMA Upgrade Provides : A Solution to Existing SPY-1 ECMA DMS Issues Lower Recurring Costs for ECMA Production Additional Frame Module Space (95% of a Frame) for Future Upgrades (I/O?) Lower Lifetime Support Costs (Fewer Modules to Support) Simplified FD/FI and ORTS Support - Single Module LRU A Path for Upgrades to Add New Functionality (e.g. Variable STC Curves, Reduced ECMA Dwell Pad Timing, TBMD ECMA Functions, etc.) A Path for Backfit Options - Cruiser Conversion, B/D Upgrade and NTW A Path for Upgrades to Address New Countermeasures Threats Lower Total Ownership Costs Mechanical Solutions Provided for COTS and SPY-1D(V) Formats Qualification Plan Being Worked as Part of FY’02 TI Effort FPGA-Based ECMA Upgrade for DDG is Feasible Developing Tactical SPY-1D(V) Implementation on FY’02 Contract ECMA Upgrade Provides an Equivalent Replacement for SPY-1 ECMA Outputs Parallel Legacy - In Some Cases Providing Less Error FPGA-Based ECMA Upgrade Provides : A Solution to Existing SPY-1 ECMA DMS Issues Lower Recurring Costs for ECMA Production Additional Frame Module Space (95% of a Frame) for Future Upgrades (I/O?) Lower Lifetime Support Costs (Fewer Modules to Support) Simplified FD/FI and ORTS Support - Single Module LRU A Path for Upgrades to Add New Functionality (e.g. Variable STC Curves, Reduced ECMA Dwell Pad Timing, TBMD ECMA Functions, etc.) A Path for Backfit Options - Cruiser Conversion, B/D Upgrade and NTW A Path for Upgrades to Address New Countermeasures Threats Lower Total Ownership Costs Mechanical Solutions Provided for COTS and SPY-1D(V) Formats Qualification Plan Being Worked as Part of FY’02 TI Effort FPGA-Based ECMA Upgrade for DDG is Feasible Developing Tactical SPY-1D(V) Implementation on FY’02 Contract