Department of Defense 1 The Enterprise Information Web (EIW) : Analytics, Efficiency and Security June 26, 2012 Jonathan Underly, Program Manager
Department of Defense2 Our landscape 2,700 systems 3.2 million people 5,000 sites More than…
Department of Defense3 information visibility = MAJOR problem we call the solution the Enterprise Information Web …better known as EIW federation of systems +
Department of Defense4 with this solution, comes… EFFICIENCY (in business operations) while adhering to SECURITY requirements enabling NET-CENTRICITY and
Department of Defense5 Business Process Make data call Receive data Generate output Prepare data Analyze data Finalize report process * reporting frequency * number of data sources = understand, define, transform, merge… =sum(E2:E857) Decision Maker xml $$$$ EIW Enterprise Information Web = ¢¢¢ =avg(G2:G92) OSD Analyst xls csv txt R E - E N G I N E E R E D
Department of Defense NDAA 2012 ‘‘(c) ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FOR DEFENSE BUSINESS SYSTEMS.— (1) The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Defense Business Systems Management Committee, shall develop— ‘‘(A) an enterprise architecture, known as the defense business enterprise architecture, to cover all defense business systems, and the functions and activities supported by defense business systems, which shall be sufficiently defined to effectively guide, constrain, and permit implementation of interoperable defense business system solutions and consistent with the policies and procedures established by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; and Green = New terminology
Department of Defense7 Fragile Interoperability a system of systems BEA transformed by the Semantic BEA Interoperability = Compliance (of systems)
Department of Defense A Vision for DoD Solution Architectures 8 Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Query BEA directly: Enterprise analytics Compliance IRB/portfolio management DoD EA HR Domain Vocabulary Acq Domain Vocabulary Log Domain Vocabulary Fin Domain Vocabulary Real Prop Domain Vocabulary Airman Sailor Svc Member position billet OUID dept (GFMDI) (EDIPI) SameAs Warfighter Domain Vocabulary SameAs E2E BP executes via BEA directly BP models uniformly described OMG Primitives Conformance class 2.0 Data described in RDF Relationship described in OWL W3C Open Standards Legend: DoD Authoritative Data Source User executes End-to- End Business Process (E2E BP)
Department of Defense System A Contracting Map once. Use many. System C Invoicing System B ERP/Accounting Clean AuditFunds & Contract Management Visibility in Theater Contract Number Funding Amount Award Date Domain Ontology Invoice Number Invoice Amount Contract Number Invoice Number Invoice Amount Contract Number Award Date Funding Amount
Department of Defense10 Strike the right balance. manage the tension secure How much security is effective? Should security weigh more than accessibility? accessible PKI
Department of Defense11 Staying Secure Identity & Access Management (IDAM) Information Assurance (IA) Certification & Accreditation (C&A) Data Aggregation Where does security begin and end? PKI
Department of Defense12 PKI-Enabled SPARQLizer Data Source Native Query Language SPARQL Federation SPARQL Dashboard Gadgets Rules Execution RDF Store Query Ontology Instance Data (Rules) Mapping Ontology Native Query Language SPARQL JSON Domain Ontology Proxy Service Query OntologyProxy/TranslationCache PKI
Department of Defense13 DoD Net-Centric Strategy Enabling Net-Centricity visible accessible understandable trusted interoperable responsive EIW Strategy Data Source Federator Dashboard Gadgets Data Source SPARQLizer RDF Store PKI dashboard SPARQL endpoint semantically described provenance with PKI RDF/OWL near real-time analytics
Department of Defense14 see EIW live.
Department of Defense15 Questions? Jonathan Underly EIW Program Manager
Department of Defense16
Department of Defense17 Backup
Department of Defense NDAA 2012 ‘‘(d) COMPOSITION OF ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE.— The defense business enterprise architecture developed under subsection (c)(1)(A) shall include the following: ‘‘(1) An information infrastructure that, at a minimum, would enable the Department of Defense to— ‘‘(A) comply with all applicable law, including Federal accounting, financial management, and reporting requirements; ‘‘(B) routinely produce timely, accurate, and reliable business and financial information for management purposes; ‘‘(C) integrate budget, accounting, and program information and systems; and ‘‘(D) provide for the systematic measurement of performance, including the ability to produce timely, relevant, and reliable cost information. ‘‘(2) Policies, procedures, data standards, performance measures, and system interface requirements that are to apply uniformly throughout the Department of Defense. Green = New terminology
Department of Defense19 EIW Alignment to DoD Information Priorities DoD StrategyAlignmentStatus DoD Information Enterprise Strategic Plan DoD and mission partners will obtain an information advantage when timely, secure and trusted information is available to all decision makers EIW has demonstrated the capability to federate locally distributed data; currently working on dispersed distributed data sets DoD Strategic Management Plan Create agile business operations that support contingency missions; strengthen DoD Financial Management; build agile and secure information technology capabilities; re- engineer/use E2E business processes to reduce transaction times, drive down costs and improve service Agile method to rapid capability deployment; Surfacing authoritative data in the H2R E2E BP; Exposed data to support SMP performance measure “Meet End-Strength Goals” DoD Net-Centric Data StrategyVisible, Accessible, Understandable, Trusted, Interoperable, Responsive EIW enables all these goals with completion of Trusted planned for PoD 11
Department of Defense20 Enabling Strategic Management Enterprise E2E and OSD Policies Operational Process and Service Policies BEA Ontology Semantic Description ADS Strategic Objectives 4.0 Preserve and Enhance the All-Volunteer Force 2.0 Support Contingency Business Operations Percentage of the Dept. AD who meet objectives for time deployed vs time at home Army Dwell Time E2EUSMC Dwell Time E2E CIIODSECIIODSE DoD Personnel Management E2E Dwell Time Department of Defense
21 EIW Approach to Information Visibility EIW Project Management Office (PMO) Single view Multiple Sources Federator DMDC Data Stores Services Data External Data HR Data Store HR Data Store HR Source HR Data Store BEA HR Source HR Source HR Source Aggregation Department of Defense EIW reaches into Authoritative Data Sources (ADS) to satisfy enterprise information needs by… 1.reporting near real-time, authoritative information on-demand. 2.supporting enterprise information standards (e.g. Open; HRM ES, SFIS, etc). 3.supporting IT flexibility/agility.
Department of Defense22 Interoperability & Compliance Semantic BEA (near) Exponential Integration problem (n 2 – n) (near) Linear Integration problem (2n-1) Inflexible data model Total interoperability for 100 systems > $4B* Promotes operational silos Promotes data duplication System of Systems Infinitely extensible data model Total interoperability for 100 systems < $40M* Promotes cross-domain reasoning Encourages data reduction * Assumes $400K/interface BEA automating interoperability and compliance validation= EFFICIENCY